E 'release 14 the number of voices from within . Many of the lyrics are reflections on her own life and childhood memories. Family stories, past and present, with an eye to the future with hope and confidence .... The number is called The Lives of Others.
Here's editorial Francesco Lo Piccolo:
For us, there must be no walls. Especially the inside walls. This is because we are convinced that there is an us and them, and there are others from which to defend or to attack, conquer or to educate for democracy. Yet this time, deliberately, on the cover we used the word More. We did this to tell The Lives of Others which are not those of the photo with the rich and happy family with children adored, luxury cars, dogs and governess of noble race, but the real ones, but maybe only dreamed of, chase, copied from this or that model. The lives of prisoners. And do not tell us, but to tell them. In person. And read you will discover what is obvious. Lives that are equal to those of all: are the lives of fathers and sons that very, very little, ended up in prison, and indeed among the Others. Finished there because that was the environment in which they grew up and that was the root of their existence, a root is like a trademark, such as the stigma of the former detainee, a brand frozen in a society, unequal property and from the social point of view, where it still becomes who is the son of a notary and notary who is the son of Camorra or robber can not else do the work of the Camorra and the robber, exceptions aside. Now what they are for choice, if it was really a choice. Or ended up in jail for the sole desire to change, leaving misery and war, and instead driven back - due after use - and turned into clandestine and illegal, abandoned criminal organizations, empowered by law to be illegal from the point of view Legal (Emigration is a right) and ethically. Page after page, it turns out that even the obvious: that they are marginalized and do not screw told for what they truly are, portrayed as an emergency when the emergency does not exist since the number of Foreign murders (500-600 a year in Italy - estimation of 2009) is continuously decreased. Screw beaten burst in newspapers and on TV of fear, exhumed years later, dissected and reconstructed with a lot of plastic horror. Forgetting that one thing is the error, and another thing is the wanderer who, as stated in the encyclical "Pacem in Terris" is a human being, which preserves in every case his dignity as a person and should be considered and treated as befits such dignity. The Lives of Others are also screw wasted, often destroyed, with the broken, lost sons and fathers, forgotten in a vacuum and in pain. Separate lives day after day, as a penalty that is added to the previous year. The result is that there are children who come to see their fathers and in turn, become great, they will receive in prison to visit their children. The result is that in Italian prisons there are 59 women who have mothers in jail their children under three years. Unequal lives for which the prison is not and will never be a deterrent. Or at least to an extent quite lower than the results that are obtained by alternative sentences instead, foster care, domiciliary care. The Lives of Others are here in these pages to tell us more. To tell us, among other things, of how the children pay for the sins of their parents, but also that in the end there is always a time when knowing that a child will ask pardon for what they can change - to do to Ben Affleck in The Town - in Life should always pay for what you have done. " Because as he says to himself, Ulysses Bernardini in my blood "fate is like justice, but not of the courts of assizes, but one written by a law far more interior to the effect that one chooses to end his life forever impute that their actions end up in a balance in which everything balances ... and then you have the courage to face it. "
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