In response to the allegations of the PDL Mario Chiavola adviser, the secretary of the Young Democrats, Valentina Spata, insists that the claims are not excessive criticism of Democratic Party of Ragusa, but the drastic reduction of the perimeter of the ART that 19,300 hectares only 1,300 hectares turns. Change over which argue that the Park Iblei to become a "garden" of a few acres that affect only one part of our province and do not facilitate anyone. The fact
Iblei the Park is an opportunity for our region there is no doubt but we must think about a serious project aiming to the interest of all and not a few.
Secretary, Valentina Spata also advises the Board Chiavola to worry more and more prudent in what happens in its torn political spectrum, rather than making distinctions and make judgments about who, in the awareness and respect for diversity of views, has always fought for the truth is always the best for the city and citizens.
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