South: PD, IDV and UDC fighting the Government in the House
absences were mainly in the pews of the majority to determine the go-ahead to the parts of the motion of the PD (the premises and the second paragraph of the device) against the advice of the government. In the background, among other things, it accuses the government of having taken hard date 'strategy essentially antimeridionalista'. 'The measures undertaken so far, not least the Finance Act of 2010 have made clear any intervention on behalf of the South in terms of resources allocated to specific instruments. The continued use of Fas for the coverage of general measures has resulted in a further divergence between the facts of economic conditions and social areas of strengths and weak areas. This systematic misuse of funds, estimated at a sum of 35 billion euro, as well as compromising the bond of respect for the original allocation of Fund resources (they acknowledged that the southern regions of under-utilized at least 85 percent of all the resources) has made clear that the development policies of the southern regions achieved through the transfer of funds from central government and the European Union, this systematic misuse of funds, and 'added a short-sighted policy of cuts for southern entrepreneurs. In a business cycle so 'difficult, instead of supporting companies in the South, the government has effectively canceled the operation' tax credit for new investments, leaving companies in the South without any TAXATION 'development and even more depressing' growth prospects of the underdeveloped areas'. The part of the device not approved despite the government commits the executive 'replenishment of the resources committed to the Fas to be devoted to a program for the revitalization of the southern manufacturing base and, consequently, employment levels in the South, restoring a mechanism for this purpose taxation 'development of practical and effective, and that' the automatic tax credit for new investments in the South '.
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