In memory of Day of the Sick Young Democartici Ragusa express their solidarity and friendship to all those who suffer because of various diseases. Words of support also goes to the families who live daily the suffering of loved ones and with sacrifice and devotion remain close to them.
not only want to remember this day, but send a clear message: "We see the pain that many men, women and children, are forced to live each day, collect their worries, their concerns, their malaise, they feel different, their hopes, their resentments, their fears, but especially welcome their cry for help and we offer a small contribution can also be a kind word, an affectionate hug, a kiss on the forehead, our company and what we can do to make them happy even for a moment and do not let them completely alone. "
not take much to make one person smile that has so much suffering! We can do it ...!
In this regard, on the day of today, the Secretary of the Young Democrats of Ragusa, Valentina Spata, went to visit the sick RSA bringing them a sunflower and a message of closeness.
On this day, the Young Democrats of Ragusa propose a letter written by a patient to an auxiliary social assistance, in order to understand some of the feelings and concerns of people in need.
"LETTER ALL'AUSILIARIO Social Care which will take care of me in 2010 ..."
Darling, let me introduce myself because in 2010 I will have more than seventy years and it is likely that I will be one of his patients. Given the risk of not being able to communicate my wishes, I intend to do so now and I want to tell her how I'd like you to take care of me. - Firstly I would like to keep my identity. I'm Mrs. Monique Gavirey and that is how I would be called, not grandma or granny or old or the number 9. I would like to keep the name to which they have always been accustomed. - One of the most important things for me is privacy. Will I have a single room? Almost certainly not. So, dear colleague, will ensure that there are well pulled the curtains around my bed while I wash and dress me? And when I wash, this will ensure that water is very hot? Even now I can not bear to swim in cold water, take it even less when I am old. Have the courtesy, please, to dry, because it is very annoying to be dried, then half ... During the bath, I want to respect my modesty and my dignity ... .- If I'm not able to dress myself I hope you will take care of my appearance: I'd like to dress well matched and not being dressed "as is" because so much is a poor old woman! And then, I can have your hair neatly combed once dressed? - Sometimes I like to be brought to the salon. - Should I become incontinent, will continue to treat me with respect? Do not show disgust, please, when you find my bed wet. Do not put me at ease and above all do not think that ever did it on purpose. - I wish I put a diaper and accompany me to the bathroom regularly. I do not want to wear a catheter only for practical reasons. I would not walk around with a bag of urine, an object of curiosity to my grandchildren and shame for me .- It would be nice, for its part if sometimes show interest in my family, my grandchildren, for my photos shown on bedside. Avoid, however, to ask, why my children do not deal with me, because it did not accept me into their home. - If I am a bit 'dazed and I figure its demands, not scream, I will only become agitated and aggressive. You treat me, if you will, gently and all will be better. Dear Colleague, my desires and my needs, it thinks exaggerated, without limit, but it is not, perhaps, trivial requests (to stay warm, well fed, cared for and above all, consideration and respect) that everyone should be clear as if in a hospital or, worse, in an Institute ? Always remember that our body to age, but our feeling of human beings with gratitude.
not only want to remember this day, but send a clear message: "We see the pain that many men, women and children, are forced to live each day, collect their worries, their concerns, their malaise, they feel different, their hopes, their resentments, their fears, but especially welcome their cry for help and we offer a small contribution can also be a kind word, an affectionate hug, a kiss on the forehead, our company and what we can do to make them happy even for a moment and do not let them completely alone. "
not take much to make one person smile that has so much suffering! We can do it ...!
In this regard, on the day of today, the Secretary of the Young Democrats of Ragusa, Valentina Spata, went to visit the sick RSA bringing them a sunflower and a message of closeness.
On this day, the Young Democrats of Ragusa propose a letter written by a patient to an auxiliary social assistance, in order to understand some of the feelings and concerns of people in need.
"LETTER ALL'AUSILIARIO Social Care which will take care of me in 2010 ..."
Darling, let me introduce myself because in 2010 I will have more than seventy years and it is likely that I will be one of his patients. Given the risk of not being able to communicate my wishes, I intend to do so now and I want to tell her how I'd like you to take care of me. - Firstly I would like to keep my identity. I'm Mrs. Monique Gavirey and that is how I would be called, not grandma or granny or old or the number 9. I would like to keep the name to which they have always been accustomed. - One of the most important things for me is privacy. Will I have a single room? Almost certainly not. So, dear colleague, will ensure that there are well pulled the curtains around my bed while I wash and dress me? And when I wash, this will ensure that water is very hot? Even now I can not bear to swim in cold water, take it even less when I am old. Have the courtesy, please, to dry, because it is very annoying to be dried, then half ... During the bath, I want to respect my modesty and my dignity ... .- If I'm not able to dress myself I hope you will take care of my appearance: I'd like to dress well matched and not being dressed "as is" because so much is a poor old woman! And then, I can have your hair neatly combed once dressed? - Sometimes I like to be brought to the salon. - Should I become incontinent, will continue to treat me with respect? Do not show disgust, please, when you find my bed wet. Do not put me at ease and above all do not think that ever did it on purpose. - I wish I put a diaper and accompany me to the bathroom regularly. I do not want to wear a catheter only for practical reasons. I would not walk around with a bag of urine, an object of curiosity to my grandchildren and shame for me .- It would be nice, for its part if sometimes show interest in my family, my grandchildren, for my photos shown on bedside. Avoid, however, to ask, why my children do not deal with me, because it did not accept me into their home. - If I am a bit 'dazed and I figure its demands, not scream, I will only become agitated and aggressive. You treat me, if you will, gently and all will be better. Dear Colleague, my desires and my needs, it thinks exaggerated, without limit, but it is not, perhaps, trivial requests (to stay warm, well fed, cared for and above all, consideration and respect) that everyone should be clear as if in a hospital or, worse, in an Institute ? Always remember that our body to age, but our feeling of human beings with gratitude.
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