Morgan, the most loved by the Young Artist, named Marco Castoldi, following an interview with men's magazine MAx unleashes a storm!!
interview the artist said that drug use is as depressed and says "Some psychiatrists advised him not to take drugs ... perhaps better drugs" .. ! The artist also says that Freud prescribed his patients ..
These statements are locked in a media storm ... Too absurd and in my opinion
no doubt Morgan, however, being a famous public figure, he was wrong to make such statements but I think from here it becomes a scandal is an exaggeration.
So, the director of Rai 1, Mauro Mazza, along with the festival's artistic director Gianni Mazzi decide to exclude it from festavil Sanremo.
ask the question: do you think is right?
What are the criteria for which are selected to singers?
Morgan was chosen for his artistic talent or for his lifestyle ?.....
I think nn is excluding it from the festival that can help a person who is in a state of malaise. And I wonder how we could be in Italy as a professional psychologist Alessandro Meluzzi that instead of giving the same advice to Morgan and all those who use cocaine today in connection during the debate in the transmission Five afternoon conducted by Barbara Durso said:
When I shall see in a program this amiable man (Morgan ed), which I hope to be able to embrace and help in every way, I'll change the channel. And if you were to take the Rai in San Remo, I think it will be legitimate to call a strike of the fee. If
will be the guest of honor or dishonor, I will ask a rent strike to those who listen to us. I will first strike the underwriter of a canon of RAI. "
I remain astounded face of such statements and I think it's absurd that a professional can have a reaction like that in front of a man who needs to be understood and helped.
A psychologist does not judge. It helps patients overcome the obstacle by listening.
He says he will make a strike for not paying the fee if he sees on the stage of the Ariston, I say that will make the Italians do not trust him!
Moreover, also in connection to the studio, the Honourable Gabriella Carlucci said:
" Twelve million people can not see Morgan, even invited as guest of honor. Meluzzi support the proposal, the rent strike. Do not pay the fee if Morgan is host to San Remo. "
Hon. Carlucci I mean why Morgan nn should be the guest of honor at San Remo? I suggest also that, instead of shooting free judgments should urge this Government to promote campaigns awareness and prevention on the problem of alcohol and drugs, a problem which is now very widespread in our society and that seems to be underestimated.
The current law, a law intended to be very hard this government was a failure because in recent years has increased the number of young people who use drugs and alcohol. So, in my opinion, there is something wrong. When laws are proposed and you must have the ability to enforce it and this law is not respected at all.
Mr Carlucci, I think it is easier for everyone to talk about when you are in the midst of the problem and thus do not help young people.
create storm, because, being popular, a very bad example for young people who follow him, they claimed that many! It certainly was not a good example but I think it would be important that Morgan will participate in San Remo because the music goes beyond all things, about why a program like the Italian Song Festival wants to see the exhibition of talent . It could also be an opportunity to say to all young people and to all Italians that in life one must never give up and that you should always follow their dreams just as he did, why now is an artist. This opportunity could also serve to him to apologize for what was said and could launch a message to all young people. I think this is the right thing and do not deny him to express his talent in Sanremo.
If Morgan has launched a negative message to young people, now the situation is getting worse and as always we do not realize how much a means of communication such as television and newspapers can convey messages destructive. The attack is a message to Morgan destructive both for himself and for all young people who follow him with pride.
And then I wonder why this whole process for Morgan? some people do worse!
Valentina Spata
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