Thursday, February 11, 2010

Honda Ridgeline Forum Backup Camera


In memory of Day of the Sick Young Democartici Ragusa express their solidarity and friendship to all those who suffer because of various diseases. Words of support also goes to the families who live daily the suffering of loved ones and with sacrifice and devotion remain close to them.
not only want to remember this day, but send a clear message: "We see the pain that many men, women and children, are forced to live each day, collect their worries, their concerns, their malaise, they feel different, their hopes, their resentments, their fears, but especially welcome their cry for help and we offer a small contribution can also be a kind word, an affectionate hug, a kiss on the forehead, our company and what we can do to make them happy even for a moment and do not let them completely alone. "
not take much to make one person smile that has so much suffering! We can do it ...!

In this regard, on the day of today, the Secretary of the Young Democrats of Ragusa, Valentina Spata, went to visit the sick RSA bringing them a sunflower and a message of closeness.

On this day, the Young Democrats of Ragusa propose a letter written by a patient to an auxiliary social assistance, in order to understand some of the feelings and concerns of people in need.

"LETTER ALL'AUSILIARIO Social Care which will take care of me in 2010 ..."
Darling, let me introduce myself because in 2010 I will have more than seventy years and it is likely that I will be one of his patients. Given the risk of not being able to communicate my wishes, I intend to do so now and I want to tell her how I'd like you to take care of me. - Firstly I would like to keep my identity. I'm Mrs. Monique Gavirey and that is how I would be called, not grandma or granny or old or the number 9. I would like to keep the name to which they have always been accustomed. - One of the most important things for me is privacy. Will I have a single room? Almost certainly not. So, dear colleague, will ensure that there are well pulled the curtains around my bed while I wash and dress me? And when I wash, this will ensure that water is very hot? Even now I can not bear to swim in cold water, take it even less when I am old. Have the courtesy, please, to dry, because it is very annoying to be dried, then half ... During the bath, I want to respect my modesty and my dignity ... .- If I'm not able to dress myself I hope you will take care of my appearance: I'd like to dress well matched and not being dressed "as is" because so much is a poor old woman! And then, I can have your hair neatly combed once dressed? - Sometimes I like to be brought to the salon. - Should I become incontinent, will continue to treat me with respect? Do not show disgust, please, when you find my bed wet. Do not put me at ease and above all do not think that ever did it on purpose. - I wish I put a diaper and accompany me to the bathroom regularly. I do not want to wear a catheter only for practical reasons. I would not walk around with a bag of urine, an object of curiosity to my grandchildren and shame for me .- It would be nice, for its part if sometimes show interest in my family, my grandchildren, for my photos shown on bedside. Avoid, however, to ask, why my children do not deal with me, because it did not accept me into their home. - If I am a bit 'dazed and I figure its demands, not scream, I will only become agitated and aggressive. You treat me, if you will, gently and all will be better. Dear Colleague, my desires and my needs, it thinks exaggerated, without limit, but it is not, perhaps, trivial requests (to stay warm, well fed, cared for and above all, consideration and respect) that everyone should be clear as if in a hospital or, worse, in an Institute ? Always remember that our body to age, but our feeling of human beings with gratitude.

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was held on Monday 'evening, the meeting between all the lifeguards in the province, who have contributed with their performance in the project "Safe Beaches 2009" all beaches Iblea.
iblei were present in addition to the lifeguards, even the secretary of the Young Democrats, Valentina Spata, and Provincial Secretary of the Independent Trade Union ISA, Giorgio Iabichella.
Having verified that the contribution to be paid to such workers is so 'paid:
- 50% of the contribution is paid by the Sicilian Region,
- 25% of the liquid, the Province of Ragusa;
- 25% will be paid by Common e 'where the service was performed, we found that
- all municipalities have yet to receive the contribution of the region,
- all municipalities, excluding Modica and Scicli (which, for reasons that we are checking, do not have yet submitted the necessary documentation to the Province), have already 'received the contribution of' Ente Provinciale, but have not yet understood credited to lifeguards, with the exception of the provincial capital that has already 'paid 50% of entitlements to workers. Valentina and George Iabichella
Spata, have made commitments, each for their skills in front of workers, to check the availability to pay 50% of the sum, in municipalities that have already 'received accreditation by the Province, encourage municipalities to Modica and Scicli to submit the required documentation by the province so that 'they can pay the contribution payable, and verify the reason for the Sicily Region has not yet done so to pay its share.
<> V. Spata.
<> G. Iabichella.


Young Democrats
Ragusa, Valentina

ISA autonomous unions
Provincial Secretary George

Friday, February 5, 2010

Best Receivers Of The 1970's

MORGAN CASE: A storm from Teatro

Morgan, the most loved by the Young Artist, named Marco Castoldi, following an interview with men's magazine MAx unleashes a storm!!
interview the artist said that drug use is as depressed and says "Some psychiatrists advised him not to take drugs ... perhaps better drugs" .. ! The artist also says that Freud prescribed his patients ..
These statements are locked in a media storm ... Too absurd and in my opinion
no doubt Morgan, however, being a famous public figure, he was wrong to make such statements but I think from here it becomes a scandal is an exaggeration.
So, the director of Rai 1, Mauro Mazza, along with the festival's artistic director Gianni Mazzi decide to exclude it from festavil Sanremo.
ask the question: do you think is right?
What are the criteria for which are selected to singers?
Morgan was chosen for his artistic talent or for his lifestyle ?.....
I think nn is excluding it from the festival that can help a person who is in a state of malaise. And I wonder how we could be in Italy as a professional psychologist Alessandro Meluzzi that instead of giving the same advice to Morgan and all those who use cocaine today in connection during the debate in the transmission Five afternoon conducted by Barbara Durso said:

When I shall see in a program this amiable man (Morgan ed), which I hope to be able to embrace and help in every way, I'll change the channel. And if you were to take the Rai in San Remo, I think it will be legitimate to call a strike of the fee. If

will be the guest of honor or dishonor, I will ask a rent strike to those who listen to us. I will first strike the underwriter of a canon of RAI. "

I remain astounded face of such statements and I think it's absurd that a professional can have a reaction like that in front of a man who needs to be understood and helped.

A psychologist does not judge. It helps patients overcome the obstacle by listening.

He says he will make a strike for not paying the fee if he sees on the stage of the Ariston, I say that will make the Italians do not trust him!

Moreover, also in connection to the studio, the Honourable Gabriella Carlucci said:

" Twelve million people can not see Morgan, even invited as guest of honor. Meluzzi support the proposal, the rent strike. Do not pay the fee if Morgan is host to San Remo. "

Hon. Carlucci I mean why Morgan nn should be the guest of honor at San Remo? I suggest also that, instead of shooting free judgments should urge this Government to promote campaigns awareness and prevention on the problem of alcohol and drugs, a problem which is now very widespread in our society and that seems to be underestimated.

The current law, a law intended to be very hard this government was a failure because in recent years has increased the number of young people who use drugs and alcohol. So, in my opinion, there is something wrong. When laws are proposed and you must have the ability to enforce it and this law is not respected at all.

Mr Carlucci, I think it is easier for everyone to talk about when you are in the midst of the problem and thus do not help young people.

Artist Statements

create storm, because, being popular, a very bad example for young people who follow him, they claimed that many! It certainly was not a good example but I think it would be important that Morgan will participate in San Remo because the music goes beyond all things, about why a program like the Italian Song Festival wants to see the exhibition of talent . It could also be an opportunity to say to all young people and to all Italians that in life one must never give up and that you should always follow their dreams just as he did, why now is an artist. This opportunity could also serve to him to apologize for what was said and could launch a message to all young people. I think this is the right thing and do not deny him to express his talent in Sanremo.

If Morgan has launched a negative message to young people, now the situation is getting worse and as always we do not realize how much a means of communication such as television and newspapers can convey messages destructive. The attack is a message to Morgan destructive both for himself and for all young people who follow him with pride.

And then I wonder why this whole process for Morgan? some people do worse!

Valentina Spata

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Open Patella Versus Closed Patella Knee Braces

South: PD, IDV beat the UDC and the Government in the House

South: PD, IDV and UDC fighting the Government in the House

absences were mainly in the pews of the majority to determine the go-ahead to the parts of the motion of the PD (the premises and the second paragraph of the device) against the advice of the government. In the background, among other things, it accuses the government of having taken hard date 'strategy essentially antimeridionalista'. 'The measures undertaken so far, not least the Finance Act of 2010 have made clear any intervention on behalf of the South in terms of resources allocated to specific instruments. The continued use of Fas for the coverage of general measures has resulted in a further divergence between the facts of economic conditions and social areas of strengths and weak areas. This systematic misuse of funds, estimated at a sum of 35 billion euro, as well as compromising the bond of respect for the original allocation of Fund resources (they acknowledged that the southern regions of under-utilized at least 85 percent of all the resources) has made clear that the development policies of the southern regions achieved through the transfer of funds from central government and the European Union, this systematic misuse of funds, and 'added a short-sighted policy of cuts for southern entrepreneurs. In a business cycle so 'difficult, instead of supporting companies in the South, the government has effectively canceled the operation' tax credit for new investments, leaving companies in the South without any TAXATION 'development and even more depressing' growth prospects of the underdeveloped areas'. The part of the device not approved despite the government commits the executive 'replenishment of the resources committed to the Fas to be devoted to a program for the revitalization of the southern manufacturing base and, consequently, employment levels in the South, restoring a mechanism for this purpose taxation 'development of practical and effective, and that' the automatic tax credit for new investments in the South '.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Do Wigs Stunt Hair Growth

ENOUGH WITH THE LAWS OF SHAME. "Legal impediment" STO Cxxxx

Enough shameful laws. We want a democratic country!!

today the House approved the bill on such failure.

Another attack on the constitutional principle which states that "the law is equal for all" (Article 3 of the Constitution).

This law, approved today at the chamber which will arrive tomorrow in the Senate, save the premier Silvio Berlusconi and his ministers from the processes for 18 months pending the award is presented by Alfano constitutional.

Silvio Berlusconi, investigating strange relationship with Swiss companies, drug trafficking, perjury, kickbacks to the financial police, the accused to trial for All Iberian, for illegal financing of PSI, and aggravated false accounting , the process Medusa Film, Lodo Mondadori, SME trial, Partition-Rai Finivest advertising, pay-tv on tangents, Massacres of 1992-1993 that killed the judges Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino, in conspiracy with the Mafia, aggravated defamation use of television, Sacco, etc., may declare such failure.

What is cause for such failure?

During the trial, the judge postpones the hearing in the presence dilegittimo impediment whenever requested by the party. The court may 'be automatically six months if the Presidency of the Council stating that the cause and' continuously.
such failure:
-The Chairman of the Council is such failure to appear at hearings the concurrent exercise of one or more 'duties provided by law or regulation, its activities' preparatory and consequential damages, as well as 'any activities' anyway co-essential to the functions of government.

-For ministers such failure is the pursuit of '
provided by the laws and regulations governing the powers, as well as' any activities', however, co-essential to the functions of government.

Prescription : The course of the limitation period is suspended for the duration of the postponement of the hearing. -

Validity of Law : The rules apply until the entry into force of the Constitutional Law on the organic framework of the prerogatives of the Prime Minister and ministers, as well as' has the 'same' participation in criminal trials and not later than eighteen months.

A law adopted by 316 votes in favor, 239 against and 40 abstentions . Members present were 595, those 555 voters. The measure now goes to the Senate. Voted yes Pdl, Lega, Mpa, and South We Pri; not have come from the Democratic Party, dall'Idv and API, while the abstentions came from UDC, SVP and Ld. The snipers, in the majority, would be four.

We wonder how the UDC was able to abstain after Casini said repeatedly that he disagreed with the laws ad-personam.

shameful for the country. It is absurd that we should be debating in the Chamber sull'ennesima law regime, when hundreds of workers out of Alcoa Sardinian occur for another law broken, the right to work. Where in the Fiat factory in Termini Imerese 2000 people remain without jobs. When in Italy there are 1 million people unemployed. When families do not arrive in Italy the second week of the month? When in Italy there is a difference between north and south island? When in Italy the poverty rate rises. When in Italy no longer exists Justice? When in Italy we will soon privatize the air we breathe?

The government does nothing for months thinking that to solve the problem, "Justice-Berlusconi" from Lodo Alfano, the short trial last found the "legal impediment" and those who think the real problems of the country? Other countries have passed anti-crisis packages and we are still talking about hot air?

It is even more absurd to think that the award suspects ministers and deputies he freghino the situation in the country, citizens, the same citizens who elected them in the hope that things migliorassino. We witness every day to a theater that no longer want to watch! Just chat!

Now we say enough .. now we want to change something in this country. We want young people can have the hope of a future, the future that we dreamed of as we see today but fade wholly uncertain due to the inability of this government and this policy is saturated.

We want a school, a university up to our expectations and our future.

We want our country to become competitive and innovative with respect to welfare, infrastructure, environment and tourism.

We want our country in the southern regions are not regarded as bearers of consensus, but as a ground for development and growth.

We want justice for all is guaranteed, all before the law are judged the same way.

How long will you wait before the people rebel? How many more lies must we listen?

antics How many more must suffer?

We do not agree to these conditions! We want a democratic country!

Valentina Gulin

Valentina Spata

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regard to entitlements not yet recognized the lifeguards who have served on the beaches of the province, the writer OS plans to meet all operators now expect the payment of entitlements owed to them, with respect to services provided within the Operation Safe Beach in 2009.

to confirm that the contribution due from the Province of Ragusa and 'already been' sent to the municipalities at a rate of about 30% for Ragusa, while the excess to be paid by the municipality, not 'yet formal charges.

All lifeguards in the province, now tired of waiting for the payment of sums due to them, they want to display publicly their discontent with the help of the Syndicate ISA, and will gather at the provincial office of Ragusa on independent trade unions, in Via degli Maples No. 42, Monday, 'Feb. 8 pv at 18:30, to establish the organization of the protest.

chair the meeting the secretary of the Young Democrats of Ragusa, Valentina Spata, who has always complained about the severe hardship of operators, and that 'the promoter of the interventions on the situation of workers in question within the Comune di Ragusa, providing the tools necessary to understand the real administrative situation.


The Secretary of the Young Democrats Ragusa, Valentina

ISA autonomous unions
Provincial Secretary George

Ovulation Instead Of Menstruation

WORK uncertainty of new generations.

The challenge for us is that of all social organization to interpret the future, voice, guidance and representation but also, to our people in the many uncertainties of the present.
Work is the paradigm of change, the crossroads of social transformation, it is within the work that we see the most important effects of globalization that has now enveloped the whole world.
The precariousness, insecurity, mobility, the decline of the job for an indefinite period, the lack of protection, the low wages they are all attributes of the many jobs that are a mirror of globalization and the post-Fordist economy innovation Technology obsoletes with a rapidity unprecedented. We
Young Democrats we care about missing work and trying in vain, what hope is lost without getting too often human drama and family, what disqualifies, but most of the work that hurts the so-called flexible working, which could serve as a resource for companies and workers end up becoming precarious dequalificante only capable of stifling an entire generation, not allowing young people to be able to cut the umbilical cord with their families, in fact destabilizing the current society but also not allowing the preparation of solid foundation for the establishment of a future society. Hundreds of thousands of young firms private professional firms to live each day the drama of an unstable and unprotected work, young "professionals" under the shadow of a pseudo-self-employment actually carry out work without rules or safeguards, especially without the guarantee of lifelong appropriate for the professional specialization for which they are working.
. The reforms of the labor market over the years that have followed have meant that a whole generation lived without these certainties.

Our Region, dear friends, is among the 10 European regions with the highest rate of youth unemployment. He says Eurostat, the European office of statistics. I think these data
bear witness to a massive presence of cronyism and corruption over the years have helped to create a problem now becomes a major social problem difficult to control.

To remedy the negative economic phenomena that have developed in the field of employment
, legislators have identified and promoted new forms of participation in the work
: ... temporary work, on-call work, project work, teamwork, coordination, collaboration, etc. ... etc. ... etc. ... so-called atypical workers.
new tools, in its intentions, the inclusion of young people into employment.
Legislative and Regulatory that should create jobs but obviously it is not: the tools are useful only "... WHEN AND IF" the work you have already created!
We see that, in the Italian labor market, the introduction of atypical employment and the principle of flexibility
not been demonstrated:
- or solving of unemployment;
- or saviors of companies.
replacing workers with atypical workers indefinitely, rather than winning the
unemployment, has created employment intermittently!
Flexibility in Italy does not seem to be an opportunity, it has suffered no choice ... The PART-
TIME becomes a real job insecurity.
But what is insecure?
1 °. Job insecurity and precariousness of the company.
For many young people the so-called flexibility is a painful way of life, just the best
unemployment at best live continuous changes of employer ... ... rules of contract and working hours, when it's bad living in fear of an imminent unemployment ...
2 °. Precarious employment is precarious
training and safety.
should be said about this, also supported by research carried out in
companies in our territory, that the precarious labor on farms determines the almost complete absence of
any form of vocational training.
And above all, and is the worst, the complete lack of training for the prevention of occupational accidents
We are often faced with workers' disposable.
3 °. Job insecurity and precariousness of the companies.
In this context, the companies that make extensive use of atypical workers are certainly poor
companies, because employees who work there do not feel part of the
, missing their sense of belonging and loyalty of the worker.
Obviously these companies can not fail the lack of professionalism
with consequent deterioration in the quality of the product.
4 °. Job insecurity and precarious labor organizations.
What can offer the traditional to the precarious trade union? ... How can a union
divided by categories, represent a worker who takes care of packaging today and tomorrow working in textile
rather than in engineering? Certainly
can give a daily collaboration in monitoring the attitudes of the company, but hardly
program with real prospects of workers
evolution of their work and economic positions. Perhaps we should develop
parallel tools
Inter-local coordination and inter-observers such as labor unions
small fitting tools to health care than their local authorities.

In our area have developed and tested all the new forms of participation in work, so that
be infused in many of our citizens, a condition

One of atypical forms of work that has recently become a fashion is that of VAT. That is, when the client (a trader, a company ..) asks us to trust the work, to register for VAT. There was a time when there was talk many of them, the "people of VAT, then disappear as they are. Discarded in a vacuum. They are not even considered in the ranks of temporary workers.
However this will work is undoubtedly a job at risk. The consequences can be dire if the transaction is not dealt with the necessary information and with the assistance of an accountant or a trade union category (artisans and traders).
Who opens the VAT, in fact, becomes a professional or a contractor for all purposes (tax, insurance, regulatory) laws to be observed and, from that moment on, are endless, and constantly evolving. In addition, we must put clear about what it means to be an employee of a firm but open the VAT.
If a company offers a job but it "requires" (because we must consider that many young people accept the job for lack of it, then at some point it becomes an obligation) to open a vat means that gross salary is given to the worker must remove the 20% VAT to be paid to the State. At this point, often the employer (the contracting firm or individual), we often say that we can deduct the expenses we incurred during the year and this is true but it only costs inherent in the business we want and not all charges and we do we try to consider in order to pay less taxes. So at the end of year many young workers are often found to have a base salary (salary they did not expect) and so work with a great effort and sacrifice.
addition, it must be said that the protection of these workers are non-existent. For example, if the employer decides to dismiss the employee can do so because the individual worker and thus is independent after losing the job is left with the open vat.
This type of work leads to the triggering phenomena of contractual opportunism on the part of employers and confuses the roles and positions of these atypical workers. We must not confuse a worker with VAT subject to a company with a self-employed. These workers are professionals with their market power embedded in its wealth of skills and have no dependence on someone unlike workers with vat and subordinates who have many characteristics of subordination (low autonomy, subordination economic dependence) without these fall under the law of employment and under the constraints that the rule would impose. These figures
professional in name only, but in fact are in gainful employment bring with them significant implications for society.
I believe that in a situation like that Italian in which the social rights of individuals derive directly from the job position that is covered, these occupations which provide lower wages and more risks of instability not only the mortgage current fate of individuals, but also the future because it will mean lower pension contribution, less and provides access to forms of social support or as distributed. For this reason, this contract becomes a "second choice" to accept only after having examined all other possibilities. And so more and more individuals are equipped with fewer resources than those who remain stuck in the spiral of this work.
the Council that we want to give Young Democrats to many young people who work while they are willing to accept employment with the opening of the VAT is to wait and assess the turnover so that we can have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe type of work and gain transposed to eventually open the vat. In any case it is necessary and appropriate to consult a labor and trade unions for better advice.
In "this" world of VAT we monocommissioning, hours of work, the employer-employee, all institutions of an employment relationship. These are the effect of a repulsive dual system, where the risk-return ratio is reversed: a higher risk (insecurity) corresponds to a yield (the earnings) laughable, and no protection of the welfare, protection or more formal than substantive. This is the negation of the market and the triumph of a modern form of slavery. These institutions can not be called flexible work contract, it is worth emphasizing.
Our hope is that this political class along with the trade unions (which should protect all categories of workers) begin to be interested in this real problem that makes it even more uncertain the future of new generations. The uncertainty does not conflict with either atypical work, nor with the employment with VAT, but with long-range projects that allow young people a safe and stable necessary for the future.
This project reiterates the need to make work pay more than the indefinite term and provides for measures to remove obstacles that block the propensity of firms to take an indefinite period: extension of the probationary period (to facilitate testing mutual rating of between companies and workers), use the contract form of apprenticeship to allow for a gradual entry to work with progressive formation of young people, reducing time and cost of the work process that are serious charges especially for SMEs, promotion of reconciliation and Arbitration (submitted to the Senate bill).
urgent action on the promotion of employment female from us much lower than European standards, to support this occupation has a greater economic impact of interventions on the extraordinary.
similar promotion policy is needed to raise the employment rate of older workers, aged 55, also too low. These interventions are most urgent in our country with a rapidly aging population and low birth rate and need to expand our employment base also for pension purposes.;
This is a project that has been illustrated by the Hon. Marianna Madia of PDs during an initiative to Dubrovnik on the job. We believe that it can be an excellent solution to address one of the biggest problems plaguing our country and especially our region.

The Secretary of the Young Democrats of Ragusa Valentina

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Can You Tan Before A Brazilian Wax


may be many or it may be one, but we must strive for the happiness hidden behind a fantasy, a reality behind the apparent madness or concrete.
Close your eyes every night and felt happy for a moment, a moment to think about everything you need and everything you have. There are no hands to beat time, there are no dark colors in 'imagination, you can breathe the scent is perfect, everything is part of what we want and we consider it useful to us.
is a dream difficult to make concrete, you can touch, but we believe it must be done and you can succeed.
We want a life up to our dreams.
It does not matter if what you want is a small thing for others.
We dream of reaching the imagination, touch it and get rid of lots of small weights that prevent me from taking flight.
But often believe to realize a dream, feel bad, there is despair and disappointed to see that the impossible is pretty darn ... more concrete. Then we must accept the challenge, accept the fact that you can be disappointed, burned by a mood, a situation that exists only within us, that the real life may never know. But apparently even closer for a moment the goal, is no reason to keep dreaming, keep living to try to realize the joy that the world can give us nothing but a dream.
We can win a game, a race or money, receive a beautiful gift, a job or a kiss from a beautiful boy, but we will never be happy if it is not what I dreamed. Will always lack something.

Never stop dreaming, even if I have to many other small joys ... but banal consolations.
A real dream, a dream you want with your heart, is worth much more if we struggle to become a reality tomorrow.

Dedicated to my dear friend Elisa Taormina
Rg-February 2, 2009
Valentina Spata