Tonight I stopped to think, aided an afternoon of laziness, desire for solitude and home, here, a thousand thoughts and a small but significant reflection. A thought to all the people that are gone, remember them with a smile is the only duty and to remember every day of things experienced, well so many faces that are gone maybe after a long and rewarding life, but also faces ripped off, even though he was forced out too early, although there was still much to do, so many things on hold .... yes the only thing that comes to me once again to emphasize is that "our life is short, precarious and unpredictable" and therefore we must live every thing and every day in the best way, not put off till tomorrow what can be today, without questioning what is right or not, live, live everything I touch you, do not give up emotions, do not behave as you would like to give up because we are here to make us only saw the great mental, not sure that this can be have an excuse to trample the world, but feel free to be ... How many times I gave up on being myself because maybe I was afraid, because sometimes it is better to give up things, it's easier than trying, for sure ... if I look around and realize that even back always worth going to jump ahead and try, live, feel the adrenaline in his veins ... and then if you fall, you're wrong, you change .. Well will be what was at that moment was worth it for me to live .... There are those who could not choose, or rather would have chosen but the choice was not rispettata.Beh experience shows, it is important not to forget the lesson quickly ... and then we love if we love, we smile when we smile, cry if they feel the need, rinchiudiamoci at home if we want to do it and mescoliamoci people the feeling of loneliness when he takes us by the throat, we are human beings, we can not control everything and if I want to be angry if I am angry and I will like to sing loudly, if I feel like I will dress in black, although there are 40 degrees outside and white while it pours, for tomorrow without even the choice of ... living color, tasting, savoring every gesture and every little sensation ....
A heartfelt thanks to all those who are gone but have left a trace in my heart ... that track to me grown and made me live my life as best I could, but free to make mistakes with the strength to get up and start again without remorse and resentment, to move forward with dignity and courage to continue living always believing in those values \u200b\u200bthat these people I was taught.
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