January 27 is celebrated around the world remember the Holocaust, namely the genocide of made by Jews in Nazi savagery of what historically is called a "holocaust" that also affects homosexuals, communists, Gypsies, Jehovah's Witnesses.
The purpose of this day is to keep alive the memory of those tragic events, not a mere exercise in "tribunalizzazione" of history, but to keep still, in the minds and hearts of those generations who have not experienced the tragic episodes and draw the right lessons from this.
On 27 January each year, however, besides being a date which symbolically recalls the enormity of Auschwitz and other Nazi death camps, is an important opportunity not to forget the other genocides that have marked humanity.
This year, I want to talk about the so-called "Gypsy question" and then the extermination of 500 thousand Roma and Sinti within the concentration camps.
Roma and Sinti are the people who originally came from the north-west India. In Europe and also in Italy arrived in the late fourteenth century and fifteenth century.
The recent history of the Roma and Sinti, which is similar: they were persecuted in all countries suffering from time to time inclusion practices (slavery in Eastern Europe) and in particular in Romania (only abolished slavery after 1850) , exclusion (expulsion from the territories) and discrimination.
Nazism reserved for Roma and Sinti, the same treatment meted out to Jews and homosexuals. They were deported to concentration camps.
Auschwitz was a special section dedicated to them: the Zigeunerlager. A black triangle with the top upside down, sometimes accompanied by the letter Z, which was about to Zigeuner, "Gypsy." That was the sign that identified the Roma in the Zigeunerlager, or the gypsy camp. A mark which, like the yellow star for Jews, was the membership of a dangerous breed, a threat to the sublime Aryan race.
Numerous documents testify to their presence in the camps of Dachau, Lachenback, Majdanek, Mauthausen, Buchenwald, Natzweiler, Ravensbrück, Treblinka and more in Sobibor, Belzec, Gross-Rosen, Gusen, Theresienstadt. But the most significant documents on the deportation of the Gypsies about Auschwitz. The
Zigeunerlager went into operation at the end of February 1943 and ceased to exist in early August 1944, when all those who had, until then, survivors were led into gas chambers.
This is a reality that was hidden for so long and even more importantly, in the various trials of Nazi leaders for crimes against humanity is almost never addressed the problem of the extermination of these populations.
is only in 1980 that Germany recognizes them dignity of victims, saying they had suffered during the Nazi regime, a racial persecution. It was not until 1995 that official records for the first time in an international conference, the genocide of the Gypsies.
So I ask and I ask: why the story man have removed an event so severe? How come when we remember the Holocaust should not be remembered as the 500 thousand Roma and Sinti victims? According to you today, just remember to avoid another tragedy?
In my opinion, today, the populations of Roma and Sinti are still living in the same terror that lead to a lifetime of memories of the past, their ancestors and what they experience every day. Strictly speaking, discrimination of these populations is still in our cities, in our habits.
First, understand who the Roma and Sinti. Traditionally, those people are engaged in the activity of the carny circus and one of the most famous Italian circus Moira Orfei's source Sinti and his family. The second most famous circus family of Italy, Togni, whose best known exponent is Lidia Togni, is of Sinti. According to some sources, including Andrea Pirlo would origins Sinti.
The Roma, as well as Sinti, are those who do not have a home but live in the roulette, in caravans and those who do not have a home well placed because of the diaspora and the who have always suffered persecution. Many of them refuse to be registered as "Romani" for fear of discrimination still.
The Roma in Italy, in journalistic language and the common ones are sometimes mistakenly called "Romanian" or "Slavic", in reality there is no connection between the term "Roma" and the name of the state of Romania, the people of Romance language of the Romanians or Romanian language, while the Slavs belong to different ethnic and linguistic groups.
Not all these people are criminals, as is often said, but are simply human beings who choose to live differently from ours. We must understand that "the whole world over: there are Italians who are also criminals and there are Roma who are good people.
For this reason, I think still the problem of social exclusion and racism exists and is evident.
Holocaust victims are all equal, we must remember not only the Jews but also homosexuals, gypsies, the down, other disabled people, dissidents, and many more .. So today, a distinction and discrimination because we are the victims of series A, series B, and perhaps those of the standard ones C. Therefore, we must be careful because if it were not this discrimination there would be no danger that things can be repeated .. and make some less serious crimes than others, and 'how to justify them, and' how to smooth the way for future massacres.
E 'well in this day remember the word "Shoah" but we must not forget the word "Porrajmos," which in Romani language means "devastation" and shows the murder of about 500,000 people belonging to the Romany population (Roma) . And we must not forget that the harassment of these people are still in existence today. They live in so-called "gypsy camps" in very dire conditions, hygienic scary and dangerous. Even more dangerous is the fact that our society, today, means to remove, in the consciousness and awareness of these populations, their origin.
"Discrimination, you know, is generated by ignorance, he has another daughter dangerous: fear. One of the most serious (in which, however much affect the work of xenophobic media and politics) is precisely that to the people of Rome, which is inscribed in the more atavistic fear of the "other".
These are the words that Pino Petruzzelli reminded us today and these words comes my reflection in dealing with a reality that we tend to keep hidden, but which, unfortunately, exist. And only we, only our conscience can put an end to this discrimination that still makes humans different.
The purpose of this day is to keep alive the memory of those tragic events, not a mere exercise in "tribunalizzazione" of history, but to keep still, in the minds and hearts of those generations who have not experienced the tragic episodes and draw the right lessons from this.
On 27 January each year, however, besides being a date which symbolically recalls the enormity of Auschwitz and other Nazi death camps, is an important opportunity not to forget the other genocides that have marked humanity.
This year, I want to talk about the so-called "Gypsy question" and then the extermination of 500 thousand Roma and Sinti within the concentration camps.
Roma and Sinti are the people who originally came from the north-west India. In Europe and also in Italy arrived in the late fourteenth century and fifteenth century.
The recent history of the Roma and Sinti, which is similar: they were persecuted in all countries suffering from time to time inclusion practices (slavery in Eastern Europe) and in particular in Romania (only abolished slavery after 1850) , exclusion (expulsion from the territories) and discrimination.
Nazism reserved for Roma and Sinti, the same treatment meted out to Jews and homosexuals. They were deported to concentration camps.
Auschwitz was a special section dedicated to them: the Zigeunerlager. A black triangle with the top upside down, sometimes accompanied by the letter Z, which was about to Zigeuner, "Gypsy." That was the sign that identified the Roma in the Zigeunerlager, or the gypsy camp. A mark which, like the yellow star for Jews, was the membership of a dangerous breed, a threat to the sublime Aryan race.
Numerous documents testify to their presence in the camps of Dachau, Lachenback, Majdanek, Mauthausen, Buchenwald, Natzweiler, Ravensbrück, Treblinka and more in Sobibor, Belzec, Gross-Rosen, Gusen, Theresienstadt. But the most significant documents on the deportation of the Gypsies about Auschwitz. The
Zigeunerlager went into operation at the end of February 1943 and ceased to exist in early August 1944, when all those who had, until then, survivors were led into gas chambers.
This is a reality that was hidden for so long and even more importantly, in the various trials of Nazi leaders for crimes against humanity is almost never addressed the problem of the extermination of these populations.
is only in 1980 that Germany recognizes them dignity of victims, saying they had suffered during the Nazi regime, a racial persecution. It was not until 1995 that official records for the first time in an international conference, the genocide of the Gypsies.
So I ask and I ask: why the story man have removed an event so severe? How come when we remember the Holocaust should not be remembered as the 500 thousand Roma and Sinti victims? According to you today, just remember to avoid another tragedy?
In my opinion, today, the populations of Roma and Sinti are still living in the same terror that lead to a lifetime of memories of the past, their ancestors and what they experience every day. Strictly speaking, discrimination of these populations is still in our cities, in our habits.
First, understand who the Roma and Sinti. Traditionally, those people are engaged in the activity of the carny circus and one of the most famous Italian circus Moira Orfei's source Sinti and his family. The second most famous circus family of Italy, Togni, whose best known exponent is Lidia Togni, is of Sinti. According to some sources, including Andrea Pirlo would origins Sinti.
The Roma, as well as Sinti, are those who do not have a home but live in the roulette, in caravans and those who do not have a home well placed because of the diaspora and the who have always suffered persecution. Many of them refuse to be registered as "Romani" for fear of discrimination still.
The Roma in Italy, in journalistic language and the common ones are sometimes mistakenly called "Romanian" or "Slavic", in reality there is no connection between the term "Roma" and the name of the state of Romania, the people of Romance language of the Romanians or Romanian language, while the Slavs belong to different ethnic and linguistic groups.
Not all these people are criminals, as is often said, but are simply human beings who choose to live differently from ours. We must understand that "the whole world over: there are Italians who are also criminals and there are Roma who are good people.
For this reason, I think still the problem of social exclusion and racism exists and is evident.
Holocaust victims are all equal, we must remember not only the Jews but also homosexuals, gypsies, the down, other disabled people, dissidents, and many more .. So today, a distinction and discrimination because we are the victims of series A, series B, and perhaps those of the standard ones C. Therefore, we must be careful because if it were not this discrimination there would be no danger that things can be repeated .. and make some less serious crimes than others, and 'how to justify them, and' how to smooth the way for future massacres.
E 'well in this day remember the word "Shoah" but we must not forget the word "Porrajmos," which in Romani language means "devastation" and shows the murder of about 500,000 people belonging to the Romany population (Roma) . And we must not forget that the harassment of these people are still in existence today. They live in so-called "gypsy camps" in very dire conditions, hygienic scary and dangerous. Even more dangerous is the fact that our society, today, means to remove, in the consciousness and awareness of these populations, their origin.
"Discrimination, you know, is generated by ignorance, he has another daughter dangerous: fear. One of the most serious (in which, however much affect the work of xenophobic media and politics) is precisely that to the people of Rome, which is inscribed in the more atavistic fear of the "other".
These are the words that Pino Petruzzelli reminded us today and these words comes my reflection in dealing with a reality that we tend to keep hidden, but which, unfortunately, exist. And only we, only our conscience can put an end to this discrimination that still makes humans different.
ps read to know:
The Secretary of the Young Democrats
Valentina Spata
Valentina Spata
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