Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Gameshark Cheats For Pokemon Ruby On Vba On Vba


January 27 is celebrated around the world remember the Holocaust, namely the genocide of made by Jews in Nazi savagery of what historically is called a "holocaust" that also affects homosexuals, communists, Gypsies, Jehovah's Witnesses.
The purpose of this day is to keep alive the memory of those tragic events, not a mere exercise in "tribunalizzazione" of history, but to keep still, in the minds and hearts of those generations who have not experienced the tragic episodes and draw the right lessons from this.
On 27 January each year, however, besides being a date which symbolically recalls the enormity of Auschwitz and other Nazi death camps, is an important opportunity not to forget the other genocides that have marked humanity.
This year, I want to talk about the so-called "Gypsy question" and then the extermination of 500 thousand Roma and Sinti within the concentration camps.
Roma and Sinti are the people who originally came from the north-west India. In Europe and also in Italy arrived in the late fourteenth century and fifteenth century.
The recent history of the Roma and Sinti, which is similar: they were persecuted in all countries suffering from time to time inclusion practices (slavery in Eastern Europe) and in particular in Romania (only abolished slavery after 1850) , exclusion (expulsion from the territories) and discrimination.
Nazism reserved for Roma and Sinti, the same treatment meted out to Jews and homosexuals. They were deported to concentration camps.
Auschwitz was a special section dedicated to them: the Zigeunerlager. A black triangle with the top upside down, sometimes accompanied by the letter Z, which was about to Zigeuner, "Gypsy." That was the sign that identified the Roma in the Zigeunerlager, or the gypsy camp. A mark which, like the yellow star for Jews, was the membership of a dangerous breed, a threat to the sublime Aryan race.
Numerous documents testify to their presence in the camps of Dachau, Lachenback, Majdanek, Mauthausen, Buchenwald, Natzweiler, Ravensbrück, Treblinka and more in Sobibor, Belzec, Gross-Rosen, Gusen, Theresienstadt. But the most significant documents on the deportation of the Gypsies about Auschwitz. The
Zigeunerlager went into operation at the end of February 1943 and ceased to exist in early August 1944, when all those who had, until then, survivors were led into gas chambers.
This is a reality that was hidden for so long and even more importantly, in the various trials of Nazi leaders for crimes against humanity is almost never addressed the problem of the extermination of these populations.
is only in 1980 that Germany recognizes them dignity of victims, saying they had suffered during the Nazi regime, a racial persecution. It was not until 1995 that official records for the first time in an international conference, the genocide of the Gypsies.
So I ask and I ask: why the story man have removed an event so severe? How come when we remember the Holocaust should not be remembered as the 500 thousand Roma and Sinti victims? According to you today, just remember to avoid another tragedy?
In my opinion, today, the populations of Roma and Sinti are still living in the same terror that lead to a lifetime of memories of the past, their ancestors and what they experience every day. Strictly speaking, discrimination of these populations is still in our cities, in our habits.
First, understand who the Roma and Sinti. Traditionally, those people are engaged in the activity of the carny circus and one of the most famous Italian circus Moira Orfei's source Sinti and his family. The second most famous circus family of Italy, Togni, whose best known exponent is Lidia Togni, is of Sinti. According to some sources, including Andrea Pirlo would origins Sinti.
The Roma, as well as Sinti, are those who do not have a home but live in the roulette, in caravans and those who do not have a home well placed because of the diaspora and the who have always suffered persecution. Many of them refuse to be registered as "Romani" for fear of discrimination still.
The Roma in Italy, in journalistic language and the common ones are sometimes mistakenly called "Romanian" or "Slavic", in reality there is no connection between the term "Roma" and the name of the state of Romania, the people of Romance language of the Romanians or Romanian language, while the Slavs belong to different ethnic and linguistic groups.
Not all these people are criminals, as is often said, but are simply human beings who choose to live differently from ours. We must understand that "the whole world over: there are Italians who are also criminals and there are Roma who are good people.
For this reason, I think still the problem of social exclusion and racism exists and is evident.
Holocaust victims are all equal, we must remember not only the Jews but also homosexuals, gypsies, the down, other disabled people, dissidents, and many more .. So today, a distinction and discrimination because we are the victims of series A, series B, and perhaps those of the standard ones C. Therefore, we must be careful because if it were not this discrimination there would be no danger that things can be repeated .. and make some less serious crimes than others, and 'how to justify them, and' how to smooth the way for future massacres.
E 'well in this day remember the word "Shoah" but we must not forget the word "Porrajmos," which in Romani language means "devastation" and shows the murder of about 500,000 people belonging to the Romany population (Roma) . And we must not forget that the harassment of these people are still in existence today. They live in so-called "gypsy camps" in very dire conditions, hygienic scary and dangerous. Even more dangerous is the fact that our society, today, means to remove, in the consciousness and awareness of these populations, their origin.
"Discrimination, you know, is generated by ignorance, he has another daughter dangerous: fear. One of the most serious (in which, however much affect the work of xenophobic media and politics) is precisely that to the people of Rome, which is inscribed in the more atavistic fear of the "other".
These are the words that Pino Petruzzelli reminded us today and these words comes my reflection in dealing with a reality that we tend to keep hidden, but which, unfortunately, exist. And only we, only our conscience can put an end to this discrimination that still makes humans different.

ps read to know:

The Secretary of the Young Democrats
Valentina Spata

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Birthstone Chart 2010


Dear friends,

as is well known in a few months we will be invited to vote for the renewal of our city government, then the City Council and Mayor. An election date is not insignificant, are the moves hint that the various "actors" in the field are doing, if we were a game of chess. Perhaps it is also why people should be the "lead foot". Dialogue with many of my fellow citizens, it is clear the dire need for revival and re-launch of our city, as well as the demand from many parts of a radical change of leadership at all levels.
For my part, my support is for the lawyer Sergio Guastella. A man of great moral, foreign party to the agreements, independent, open and enthusiastic. And is determined to work exclusively for the good of our city.
Its expertise, its rigor, his sense of civic rally support, applause and (hopefully) rating: not only the center of the electorate - left, but also by all who have long since ceased to vote. His vast experience will guide the young and less young people will work, and already working for the good of our city.
I know that the Democratic Party of Ragusa, which is the party of which I belong and in which industry plays an important role as secretary of the youth movement in recent years has been away and was unable to listen to the needs of citizens. I know that many of you have confessed their doubts about the reliability of this party and the ruling class who has managed in recent years. As I know perfectly that this party is not yet mature inside and not ready to put aside large lacerations caused by greed for power that wears some members and even more certain executives.
For these reasons and because these issues often raised by you, and I am sure that the choice of a candidate who is part of civil society that is alien to the play of power that systematically in recent years have damaged the Democratic Party, is the best solution for all of us and for you all. The
Chambers. Sergio Guastella is an expression of civil society in that part of society that has contributed to the Democratic Party. I remember that the Democratic Party was founded as a free party that has room for everyone wants to contribute to its growth regardless of whether it has a card or not. In Sicily, for example, our party has enjoyed the contributions of great people like Borsellino and spreaders, the Democratic Party elected MEPs in our region, although they did not have a card. So do not shock me if Sergio Guastella, for the moment does not have the card of our party and therefore does not appear to be in writing. The most important thing is the contribution that a person like him can make within our party and politics in general.
In such a difficult moment for our country and for our city, I honestly think it is a duty on the part of the policy need to make more sense of responsibility. We must make choices that are good for all citizens, irrespective of the political schemes of which the people are tired now.
In the last election, I am referring to the regional held recently in Italy, we saw how a growing percentage of abstainers. Many people are not going to vote because the
Italian politics has failed to capture the real needs of the Italians and now because people are tired of suffering and never to be heard. I think this is the real question we should all consider. It does not matter if a candidate does not have the card or has not had experience within a party but, does it matter that a candidate for mayor is a person who manages to break the mold of politics today have done nothing but harm to our society. What you have to worry about is to find a person who is capable of driving our administrative machinery and be able to listen to citizens' problems and understand their needs.
why I chose to support the lawyer. Sergio Guastella, both for the Democratic Party primary to be held February 6, and for the next administration. I made this choice with an enthusiasm inversely proportional to the fatigue and lack of motivation that broadcast political figures today from the right, left, center.
I chose to support him because he has no career interests, does not need to get anything. Is a candidate to administer the municipality with the same seriousness and transparency with which he faced up to now, small and great battles of society, to transmit its unique expertise to younger people, because they find themselves in a municipal trust that fighting for the rights of all, with no other purpose than the operation of the administrative machinery.
It 's a man of thought, and profound knowledge not only of politics, but more generally of reason, sense and life and standards, their importance and their value for the growth of everyone in the free exchange of ideas and interests. Sergio brings all that is too long Failure in this city: the principle of equal liberty of everyone, a sense of limits that separate the lawful from 'offense, and hope that on this basis a new season of the civilization of our city can start from here, by a new " political morality. "
recognize him as the bearer of values \u200b\u200bsuch as solidarity, justice, transparency and efficiency and I believe capable of transposing it in the administration of our city.
support him because he is a wise man, now, that wisdom is not a common value. And 'honest and reassures us that the mayor will be a fair, equitable, because it has the energy of a boy, no fake smiles and wants to boost life of the city and therefore ours. It 's a father figure to experience and duties, now, that fathers are absent and always fragile, but essential, because it brings together all of us, we who have the experience and you pass without a party card, but with neither the political will to , to the social bond of living in Dubrovnik with heat, as would be natural if we could recognize that we live in the city.
To win, however, that Sergio needs more people can go to vote for him in the primary (which will be held on February 6, 2011 at the Chamber of Commerce of Ragusa, in Freedom Square). Necessary that all those citizens who have no interest to the candidates of the party, who never went to vote in the primary of the Democratic Party, but who believe that their mayor to be trained person, honest, free, independent, make their voices heard. Sergio
Guastella is the only real alternative is the only renewal of a company that has now been lost, a policy which is now very far from the real problems of the people. For this I ask you to support it, for all of us who live in Dubrovnik and we hope for a better future.

The Secretary of the Young Democrats of Ragusa Valentina

Monday, January 17, 2011

Ice Skate Sharpening Machines

The desperation of a friend!

"Work is dignity is not charity. The dignity of persons is linked to work, without which, we fall into misery and despair. "
These words made me reflect on the tragedy we are experiencing at this moment, due to the loss of a young man, a dear friend who decided to commit suicide following his dismissal for a justified reason.
The tragic suicide of Paul caused a great deal of solidarity that does not stop at individual words of shock and emotion of human. The entries are more numerous, the whispers are becoming cries. It cries out for justice for a generation now sees his dignity trampled by a system that appears to be myopic than needs of many young people who live in anguish for their future.
These things should not happen, but they represent a red light, because the labor problem is a social drama that must be met with a lot of responsibility.
All we need to consider why this is happening and can happen again, is not acceptable and we are all responsible.
It is intolerable that a person puts an end to their existence because we are not able to cope, fight and fight this system. It is intolerable that the whole policy and much of the union has agreed to occupy the seats and worry only about the vicissitudes of electoral and personal interests they forgot in fact real problems, like a river in flood, they are sweeping this country, as well as our city.

Before a person decides to take his life one must have deep respect and human compassion.
It 's time to intervene, to act without any condition or consultations of various kinds of despair because of people not being heard, is not reflected in our bodies!

How many dead daughters of the system we have yet to see and comment? I think the tolerance limit was exceeded long ago. This
our dear friend decided to escape from life for fear of not having a job, for fear of not being up to of his obligations to his family, this is a serious and grave! I am sure that Paul would never come to so much were it not for his desperation and the fact that he could not accept the reason for his dismissal. I'm sure he could not understand the fact that his employer did not want to have a conversation with him and I am also sure that he understood that his role as union leader was uncomfortable to someone and for that reason we have found an excuse to fire him. I read the letter sent by the company which runs the supermarket inside the mall and I honestly still think that the reason is really unfair because of the good equivalent to five non-euro damage done to the company and are not grounds for dismissal. In addition, the boy has been invoked only once and always for trivial reasons that have not been proven with facts. The dismissal
well justified by the company for a young father and husband is a cause of deep anguish and despair that leads him to lose his identity and that pushes him, unfortunately, to be the hero of this great tragedy.
Nobody could imagine that Paul would push to make this gesture, but sometimes that's the problem, no one can understand how it can be mortifying that a man can lose his job and therefore can not make ends month and then to maintain the family. No one can understand the frustration that strikes those who are dismissed without a justifiable reason. No one has yet figured out how important it is for a person to have their own dignity.
Surely it is said that the problems are not solved in this way, and it is absolutely true.
But who are we to judge a gesture so dramatic? The fear, pain, loneliness have the power to drain every breath of strength and choose to live becomes a little 'die. I would not blame choices so strong, because I believe in human weakness that we all have, some more, some less.
The only thing I can say is that we must consider. Think about it and try to listen as much as possible the problems of others, because often the person who is more quiet holds within herself the monsters who call themselves thoughts which can in a few moments to become a veritable torment that can destroy even the greatest personality.
I knew Paul since we were children, and has always been an idealist, a guy who has always fought for the right things and never gave up the face of obstacles that life brought together during the walk. A boy
solar lively faced serious episodes that none of us would ever want to live in their own lives. A boy who had never given up and had achieved great goals.
a great job. We were colleagues, so I can confirm with certainty that the work was for him a great satisfaction, a goal that had managed to reach a source of pride.
Today, many people mourn his passing and I saw a church packed with friends who will never forget a guy so good and sweet. A boy who loved both his wife and son and that they would have done anything.
The pain is tearing the whole family and his wife, who has promised eternal love to Paul and gave him a wonderful son who is now just 4 years.
indefferenti We can not remain in it. And because we are all responsible for what you do is not enough. But I wish it was felt that other executives, all those who continue to worry about heating of the seats rather than to act and implement strategies to find solutions with respect to the greatest tragedy of our generation, that our people are living.

try to open my eyes, once and for all, to put aside the self, selfishness, political, let us unite to fight and fight this system before it is too late, before more people fall into utter despair.
The crisis we are paying the full interest and all but the worst is yet to come if we continue on this road.
and let's begin to fight for justice for Paul, asking for clarity on his dismissal, calling on all institutions and politics, to help his family and his wife today (if ever) can not find the words to tell his dad that the baby flew into the sky as a large angel.
the father of Paul, his brothers and his wife want to say instead that his gesture is not reason to abandon and that they have no guilt for what happened. Paul had the need to close your eyes and take a different dream of living but with the same love that you tried, try and try forever against his family.
Death separates the bodies but the souls that will always remain united by a great and deep love. With

much love
Valentina Spata

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Church Thank You Letter Donation

be or appear? What others think of me!

Often when people are dealing with someone who does not know a question arises: To be or appear? That is, a person who is before us as we see it or is a person who wants to be like others want to see it?
I must be honest, I never have asked this question ... it was time to let me know and judge the behavior of people who were near me, who are close to me and I will close.
Usually I have no questions in advance. I want to first know a person, or rather trying to understand his ideas, his way of thinking and his way of life.
Each of us acts as it sees fit and I think our viewers should not judge his actions but to understand their motivations and instincts that lead that person to behave and pose.
Now I'm writing these words because it happened to me that someone judges me for what I do not have or perhaps because my appearance has been misunderstood.
I am a very instinctive person, I always say what I think, maybe even using strong enough ways to perceive the invasion that I never belonged.
sure my appearance is very different from my being.
can appear in a way, but in reality who knows me knows how I really am. Can I have
many faults but I do not think being a person who wants to look different than they are. I do not think to sell for what did not belong to me.
I am myself.
And if I am what I am, I owe it to people who always believed in me,
to my family with whom I live, breath, laugh and cry.
The people there are who have taught me that in life we \u200b\u200bmust always be ourselves with the utmost respect for others and for what I believe. To all my loved ones who taught me how to live life with the utmost sincerity towards others.
Thanks to them I am what I am. Thanks to all who have welcomed me, I initially followed step by step, I
helped to get up and not give up when
wrong not to be discouraged.
But if I am what I am, I owe it partly for myself, because I was able to learn and to live my life without ever doing anything wrong and always with respect for others.
I never said to be perfect, we all have faults and if there is still someone who loves me and loves me that obviously means that my defects not hurt anyone and that I am as well as people I unable to accept.
In my life I've never been stopped, I have always been busy and I have dedicated myself to others. I have always been appreciated for who I am and what I did and I do not regret anything.
Sometimes, as happened to me in my path in life there are no obstacles or surprises. It can happen to all of life during difficult times. But no one has the right to judge. Nobody has the right to destroy the happiness of others. Nobody has the right to trample on the dignity of others. Nobody has the right to judge in a superficial and materialistic lives of others and to those around them.
"I am what I am and live my life that I was given a living. I can not do anything else. I do not want to do. I must not do anything else. "
I am sorry that anyone who thinks ill of me, I would say a big lie if I said:" I do not care what others think of me ", but one thing I want to say:" I have been and will always be myself and certainly what I did, what I do and what I will do is something that comes from the depths of my heart and I never calculated or planned my life and that of others. "

Tears In Colon After Colonoscopy


Tonight I stopped to think, aided an afternoon of laziness, desire for solitude and home, here, a thousand thoughts and a small but significant reflection. A thought to all the people that are gone, remember them with a smile is the only duty and to remember every day of things experienced, well so many faces that are gone maybe after a long and rewarding life, but also faces ripped off, even though he was forced out too early, although there was still much to do, so many things on hold .... yes the only thing that comes to me once again to emphasize is that "our life is short, precarious and unpredictable" and therefore we must live every thing and every day in the best way, not put off till tomorrow what can be today, without questioning what is right or not, live, live everything I touch you, do not give up emotions, do not behave as you would like to give up because we are here to make us only saw the great mental, not sure that this can be have an excuse to trample the world, but feel free to be ... How many times I gave up on being myself because maybe I was afraid, because sometimes it is better to give up things, it's easier than trying, for sure ... if I look around and realize that even back always worth going to jump ahead and try, live, feel the adrenaline in his veins ... and then if you fall, you're wrong, you change .. Well will be what was at that moment was worth it for me to live .... There are those who could not choose, or rather would have chosen but the choice was not rispettata.Beh experience shows, it is important not to forget the lesson quickly ... and then we love if we love, we smile when we smile, cry if they feel the need, rinchiudiamoci at home if we want to do it and mescoliamoci people the feeling of loneliness when he takes us by the throat, we are human beings, we can not control everything and if I want to be angry if I am angry and I will like to sing loudly, if I feel like I will dress in black, although there are 40 degrees outside and white while it pours, for tomorrow without even the choice of ... living color, tasting, savoring every gesture and every little sensation ....
A heartfelt thanks to all those who are gone but have left a trace in my heart ... that track to me grown and made me live my life as best I could, but free to make mistakes with the strength to get up and start again without remorse and resentment, to move forward with dignity and courage to continue living always believing in those values \u200b\u200bthat these people I was taught.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Farm House Tables In North Carolina

Good Epiphany 2011

good epiphany 2011, with this post I wish you all a good witch and a happy epiphany.
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