The desperation of a friend!
"Work is dignity is not charity. The dignity of persons is linked to work, without which, we fall into misery and despair. "
These words made me reflect on the tragedy we are experiencing at this moment, due to the loss of a young man, a dear friend who decided to commit suicide following his dismissal for a justified reason.
The tragic suicide of Paul caused a great deal of solidarity that does not stop at individual words of shock and emotion of human. The entries are more numerous, the whispers are becoming cries. It cries out for justice for a generation now sees his dignity trampled by a system that appears to be myopic than needs of many young people who live in anguish for their future.
These things should not happen, but they represent a red light, because the labor problem is a social drama that must be met with a lot of responsibility.
All we need to consider why this is happening and can happen again, is not acceptable and we are all responsible.
It is intolerable that a person puts an end to their existence because we are not able to cope, fight and fight this system. It is intolerable that the whole policy and much of the union has agreed to occupy the seats and worry only about the vicissitudes of electoral and personal interests they forgot in fact real problems, like a river in flood, they are sweeping this country, as well as our city.
Before a person decides to take his life one must have deep respect and human compassion.
It 's time to intervene, to act without any condition or consultations of various kinds of despair because of people not being heard, is not reflected in our bodies!
How many dead daughters of the system we have yet to see and comment? I think the tolerance limit was exceeded long ago. This
our dear friend decided to escape from life for fear of not having a job, for fear of not being up to of his obligations to his family, this is a serious and grave! I am sure that Paul would never come to so much were it not for his desperation and the fact that he could not accept the reason for his dismissal. I'm sure he could not understand the fact that his employer did not want to have a conversation with him and I am also sure that he understood that his role as union leader was uncomfortable to someone and for that reason we have found an excuse to fire him. I read the letter sent by the company which runs the supermarket inside the mall and I honestly still think that the reason is really unfair because of the good equivalent to five non-euro damage done to the company and are not grounds for dismissal. In addition, the boy has been invoked only once and always for trivial reasons that have not been proven with facts. The dismissal
well justified by the company for a young father and husband is a cause of deep anguish and despair that leads him to lose his identity and that pushes him, unfortunately, to be the hero of this great tragedy.
Nobody could imagine that Paul would push to make this gesture, but sometimes that's the problem, no one can understand how it can be mortifying that a man can lose his job and therefore can not make ends month and then to maintain the family. No one can understand the frustration that strikes those who are dismissed without a justifiable reason. No one has yet figured out how important it is for a person to have their own dignity.
Surely it is said that the problems are not solved in this way, and it is absolutely true.
But who are we to judge a gesture so dramatic? The fear, pain, loneliness have the power to drain every breath of strength and choose to live becomes a little 'die. I would not blame choices so strong, because I believe in human weakness that we all have, some more, some less.
The only thing I can say is that we must consider. Think about it and try to listen as much as possible the problems of others, because often the person who is more quiet holds within herself the monsters who call themselves thoughts which can in a few moments to become a veritable torment that can destroy even the greatest personality.
I knew Paul since we were children, and has always been an idealist, a guy who has always fought for the right things and never gave up the face of obstacles that life brought together during the walk. A boy
solar lively faced serious episodes that none of us would ever want to live in their own lives. A boy who had never given up and had achieved great goals.
a great job. We were colleagues, so I can confirm with certainty that the work was for him a great satisfaction, a goal that had managed to reach a source of pride.
Today, many people mourn his passing and I saw a church packed with friends who will never forget a guy so good and sweet. A boy who loved both his wife and son and that they would have done anything.
The pain is tearing the whole family and his wife, who has promised eternal love to Paul and gave him a wonderful son who is now just 4 years.
indefferenti We can not remain in it. And because we are all responsible for what you do is not enough. But I wish it was felt that other executives, all those who continue to worry about heating of the seats rather than to act and implement strategies to find solutions with respect to the greatest tragedy of our generation, that our people are living.
try to open my eyes, once and for all, to put aside the self, selfishness, political, let us unite to fight and fight this system before it is too late, before more people fall into utter despair.
The crisis we are paying the full interest and all but the worst is yet to come if we continue on this road.
and let's begin to fight for justice for Paul, asking for clarity on his dismissal, calling on all institutions and politics, to help his family and his wife today (if ever) can not find the words to tell his dad that the baby flew into the sky as a large angel.
the father of Paul, his brothers and his wife want to say instead that his gesture is not reason to abandon and that they have no guilt for what happened. Paul had the need to close your eyes and take a different dream of living but with the same love that you tried, try and try forever against his family.
Death separates the bodies but the souls that will always remain united by a great and deep love. With
much love
Valentina Spata