Penitentiary Law / Brunetti-Ziccone
Dr. Carlo Brunetti, a lecturer at the Second University of Naples in the penitentiary of Law Master's Degree in "Social and Prison Discipline and Criminology and director of the Broad House District, is the author - with Dr. Marcello Ziccone, official at the Ministry of Justice - Prison Law Volume - Manual for competition training penitentiary administration. This is a test of six hundred pages are designed as a tool for study and consultation for criminal defense lawyers, judges, prison officers and those who are about to prepare for competitions for prison workers. So a book - complete with a quiz - for experts, but also, and here is another strength of this volume, useful to those who approach for the first time in this matter, and anyone who cares about the knowledge penal laws and sciences, which, as stated in their preface the authors, "still man as the protagonist, with his questions with his choice between good and evil, with its freedom to change and possibly redeem themselves. " Because, as argued by Dr. Brunetti presenting six years ago in Florence the first edition of the Handbook, "the prison has to offer as well as receive ... [or] to give the detainee the opportunity to rebuild the prospect of a different future."
's review of Professor Antonello Crisci
authors note: "After the success and the flattering of the Penitentiary Law Handbook published by Tribune Piacenza (for just twelve months after it became necessary to reprint it), we considered it appropriate, after a few years, present a new volume, edited by Simon, completely revised and updated. The text, moreover, is complemented by a series of synoptic tables, which are both a means of review is a practical tool for the study of the discipline. Of note, also, the profits questionnaires placed at the end of several chapters. The volume is part of the research of Sciences Prison, which now reach heights that have highly significant effect of increased and widespread feeling of unease about a situation that affects a substantial number of people, with considerable repercussions on the entire social structure. It goes without saying that the prison has always been watermarked with the company from which it originates and which is managed, as ever today is a true reflection of the moral crisis of values \u200b\u200band typical of the companies in which we are members.
The text also endorses and indeed proposals to include the Prison Law of the lessons to keep active in the Legal Department, pending the importance of a reality discipline needed to complete a proper curriculum. This publication, which aims to address, in a systemic way, a complex and wide-ranging, mainly intended to provide a first contact and a approach to the delicate issue of law and the prison world. The text has, therefore, to anyone who is interested not just food for thought about the fascinating world of the execution of prison sentence, which always has the man as the protagonist, with his questions with his choice of good and evil, with its freedom to change and may redeem himself. It is, finally, to signal the reader that the care that we had in trying to provide a study tool as current as possible, led us to describe, in its essential elements, including the recent bill no Bis 3291 on "Provisions on the implementation at the home of a prison sentence not exceeding one year. " To provide even a moment of self-evaluation, each chapter is supplemented by a battery of multiple choice questions, drawn from the databases used during competition held by the prison authorities and available on the portal
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