End May 2009: John Mauro was elected President of the University Consortium ibleo. The Board accepted the resignation of Peppe Drago and elected the former senator from Forza Italy, while remaining consistent with the key bipartisan which provided the center-right president and vice president of center-left.
The first act of the new president and the entire Board will be the mission in Catania, Antonino Recca by the rector to make some things clear.
The Regents of the University has threatened the closure of the degree of Ragusa in the academic year 2009/2010 if the group had not honored the debt this year by May 31. "We are ready to pay 5 / 12 University of Catania - said John Mauro - even now. But the attitude of the rector does not like the Board members and do not like it either. We have honored smepre debts. " The University of Catania must be from Ragusa € 3,900,000 for the degree courses that are active. Obviously
threatened closure by the dean refers, if anything were to materialize, the non-activation of the early years. The Board of Directors and the shareholders while rallying all for Monday at 10 am at the Chamber of Commerce for a grand assembly in defense of degree Ragusa.
-at that time were active: Degree in Law, the Master of Science in Medicine and Surgery, the First Degree and Degree in Agricultural Science and Technology, Tropical and Subtropical, the First Degree in Comparative Studies, the course Bachelor Degree in Science of Linguistic Mediation, the Master of Science in Culture and outside Europe and the Master degree in Oriental Languages \u200b\u200band Cultures, all, the latter part of the Faculty of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200band Literatures.
The students are mobilizing all Iblea Young University, led by the Student Circle University Ibleo "organize a large demonstration in Catania, on the premises of the Rectorate. After assembly in which the Chancellor has repeatedly offended the political establishment Ragusa, students and all citizens, burned tones and has not come to any positive conclusion for the future of decentralization ibleo. Ready to occupy the seat of the Rectorate. Board of Directors and students willing to make the barricades to save the University Ragusa Antonino Recca that the Rector of the University of Catania wants to accomplish. An outcry caused by the fact that the Rector has published the manifesto of the studies of the academic year 2009/2010 with the exception of the first year of degree courses of the Faculty of Agriculture, Law, Foreign Languages \u200b\u200band Literature and Medicine.
The Rector writes that "the ongoing cycles continue to Dubrovnik." Communication to all staff of the University and sent to the University Consortium. In short, a closure to dialolo but sparked a rebellion by students and mobilization by the University Consortium Ibleo.
Motivation: "Because the University Consortium, despite the agreements reached during the meeting held between representatives of the May 29, 2009, has not paid the amounts due for the 2008/2009 academic year, nor has it provided adequate safeguards required by May 31, 2009, deadline placed by the governing bodies of the University for the balance of debts by funding agencies. "
But President John Mauro is there and in the press conference countering allegations by the Rector with cards in hand: "We could not guarantee anything by May 31, considered that 30 was a Saturday and 31 Sunday. We did Monday, June 1st and 3rd Wednesday (the second was a public holiday) we have so much so that everything sent to Catania is on record that the University of Catania - adds President John Mauro - has grossed a half million euro Thursday, June 4. We also sent a letter of guarantee for the remainder of the debt from Agricultural Bank, which by our treasury. We feel like those who have suffered a petty theft and I am amazed at this. "
President Mauro is a river in flood: "The Chancellor had referred the Senate and the Board by Friday, June 5 to Tuesday, June 9. Then, however, yesterday came the cold shower. We are seeing a big scam or a great fiction? That is why we have given an assignment to a lawyer, the lawyer Gianandrea Chiavegatti dell'Ancun to sue in civil, administrative, financial and criminal. "
The University Consortium is willing to go all the way 'because - he pressed John Mauro - you can not unilaterally terminate the agreements and is not possobilità terminate for non-payment. "
For what happened was quite angry Franco Antoci, President of the Province and a few days back part of the board of the Consortium.
"I feel cheated and are even more angry because I was teased as an institution. You can not play that way. We are right people that we have honored our commitments. That the Chancellor is an act that offends us. I was against the Board to pay because he said "they make us play". "
Then Antoci, he rails against the Chancellor still more harsh: "I never ever thought that someone called Magnificent come to this behavior. Will demonstrate a striking, we do not want to miss the University at the cost of activating agreements with other universities. The Ragusa, we are considered "fathers", but not to this extent. " Even Mr Gurrieri
Sebastian said he was ready to begin the protest: "I start to warm up the engine. I can not stand the teasing. I was present at the meeting of 29 May when The Chancellor has assured us that everything was OK. " The student representative, Paul Pavia, said it was ready to form civil apparently against the University of Catania. " The University Club of
Ibleo prepared to gather all students iblei to return to protest at Catania and block the Academic Senate. Three student representatives, Simon D'Angelo for the Government and the Science of Modica, Nanny Frasca for Law and the President of University Circle Ibleo, Mario D'Asta asked to attend the meeting of the Academic Senate, meeting in those days. The Chancellor did not agree to integrate the three representatives to the meeting but after a protest by all students iblei at the Rectory, and had to give them welcome sena but concluded nothing. Only allegations and nothing. Continue, then the protest.
End of June: the result is a conclusion of the affair, which has become almost a cult, University iblea. After numerous protests by students, political figures and institutions and the board of the University Consortium Ibleo, finally a positive solution on the horizon. After meeting with the Technical Secretariat of the Minister Gelmini (which was also attended by the President of the University Consortium, John Mauro), the Rector, Antonino Recca, opened with new proposals. Dialogue can start looming and a possible agreement.
The agreed solution would protect the maintenance of the Faculty of Law, Languages \u200b\u200band Agriculture, but excludes that of Medicine and Surgery for events known to all (the request of the closure has been requested by many students themselves of the option). This degree, in fact, he was transferred to Catania, but because it lacks the support of healthcare companies which, above all at this time, live a phase of reassessment due to the reorganization of the regional health service provided by the recent health care reform in Sicily.
No news yet, as regards the right to Modica for which opens up the possibility of mentoring. Location which, however, will be better defined later.
should hold a meeting of the Board of the University Consortium for the officer to initiate the agreement. Points of the treaty guaranteed by the Consorzio Ibleo to complete the payment of 2 million and € 400,000 for the current academic year, ie 2008/2009 by 30 September and the withdrawal of legal actions taken against the rector.
The consortium, therefore, will pay everything on time (documents in hand) and asked to activate the same time, the first years of the degree courses of three faculties with the conventions currently in force. And yet, it will set up a table now technical assistance to establish a novation transaction that provides for the 2010/2011 academic year, new conventions in accordance with the requirements for branch offices as provided by law 270 of 2004. The "table" seems already to immediately settle at the Ministry of Education.
A story that shows how the union helps to win great battles and how politics, abandoned colors, personalities and walkways will be able to do something concrete to point to the good of the community and not to their own.
What, beyond the controversy, the Consortium has demonstrated, even making mistakes in the past to be able to administer and manage an important asset for our province.
But let me tell you, it shows how young people, unlike what is often said, know how to fight for what they believe, they can make their voices heard in a civil manner, but clear, committed and strong. It shows that they have hopes, ideals and dreams and believe that they can be a fundamental force in society and the world.
finally applaud the Chancellor, after much criticism, for showing that even though life is harder to listen than talk, and you can do that, perhaps, so it is much more popular, but, above all, much more human.
After the great fear, at least for the Hyblaean, the Board of Governors of the University Consortium is back work. A meeting in the former district to acknowledge the steps forward made by the interlocutor to the ministry of President John Mauro, who was not there, even had he stayed in Rome to improve the terms of that, Tuesday, in the technique should permit the rescue of Science degree in tropical and subtropical, Foreign Languages \u200b\u200band Literature and Law.
more complex speech for Medicine for this course, from the next academic year, should be deleted, at least for the first year.
"The problem for medicine - said John Battaglia - is primarily bound to clinicizzaizone that, unfortunately, may not be in Ragusa perhcè missing many departments. Moreover in quetsa stage you can not have partners in healthcare organizations committed to the deadline of the Sicilian regional health care reform. "
The members of the Board, now chaired by Vice President John Battaglia, expressed their satisfaction at being able, in some way to catch up with the intransigent positions of the University of Catania.
" I believe that the meeting Rome - Gianni Battaglia says - has laid the groundwork for glimpses of these extremely positive and we can start to open that protects un'interlocuzione different in the years to come, the future of our universities. "
Mid-July: It was approved by the shareholders (for the present Board of Directors Vice President John Battaglia since President John Mauro was off-site) a budget of five million and € 200 thousand, which was approved unanimously of those present.
was absent only the town of Victoria. They said yes to the vice mayor of Ragusa, John Cosentini, President of the Province, Franco Antoci, President dell'Alui, Carmelo Arezzo, Mayor of Modica, Antonello Buscema, and Alderman City of Comiso, Maria Rita Schembari.
The shareholders' meeting also discussed the events linked to relations with the University of Catania agreeing with the agreement signed in Rome between the president and the rector Mauro Recca and sharing the closure of the degree course in Medicine. Gianni Battaglia explained to members that all paths are being made for the academic year 2009/2010 and that the courses of Faculty of Agriculture, Law and Languages \u200b\u200band Literatures.
Mid August: Polo Ragusa and independent analysis of state university faculty by faculty in the capital. A successful summit between President of the Catania University Consortium Ibleo, John Mauro, Antonino Recca Rector and Head of the Technical Secretariat of the Minister Gelmini, John Bocchieri.
Even during the week of August the president Giovanni Mauro called to do overtime. Catania and came good news because not only part of the academic year 2009/2010 with a 3 degree courses in Agriculture, Law and Languages, but it has been confirmed both by the Consortium to the University of Catania want to continue down the path to the next academic year with new agreements to be concluded in accordance with Law 270, which is what establishes the minimum requirements for the survival of individual faculties.
During the meeting occurred on number of participants and the percentage of neglect by faculty and faculty is the only concern inspired by the small number of members in the agricultural specialist (just 10), which will be confirmed if this year would fall under the ax of the forecasts of decrees of the reformed Gelmini.
It was then discussed and decided to start the process to develop the self-University Centre of Dubrovnik, which will allow the full financial and managerial autonomy of the consortium with respect to the university of Catania, while maintaining unchanged the synergies related to teaching with the teachings of excellence constitute not only further qualification of our university but also a necessary development in the area.
President John Mauro will bring to the board for discussion Monday check the path. If there were to be shared, then the debate will go to the assembly members. During the meeting the President thanked the Minister Giovanni Mauro Gelmini, by Dr. John Bocchieri for the decisive intervention in the affair, adding that now every effort will be placed for the benefit of new students and make more and more qualified and competitive university education in the province of Ragusa.
Mid-October: The general assembly of Ibleo University Consortium, chaired by John Mauro, adopted the draft charter which will now be sent to the bodies organs Board members. Although yesterday morning were only the municipality of Ragusa with Deputy Mayor John Cosentini and the Province with the regional president Franco Antoci, el'Alui with Carmelo Arezzo.
The story of the amendment to the statute involved parties for so long and costs have board meetings and summits between leaders and members of the Consortium Board.
the end in the draft that was prepared by the board assembly member has made three changes proposed by the member municipality and endorsed by the member Province, which are: a reduction from four to three years of the term of the directors, a no to the Scientific and Technical Committee (proposed by the Democratic Party), while for the fees to the directors will the shareholders' meeting to decide whether or token compensation.
E 'was a contentious meeting with John Battaglia, vice president, who has railed against Franco Antoci, then left the meeting because he said that "the attitude of the UDC in asking to reset the board with his deputy Orazio Ragusa is a behavior irresponsible and delegitimize the board of directors at the most important talks with Catania. " Also because the rector
Recca is determined to close with the decentralization and to revive the fourth pole as a synergy with public Ragusa and Siracusa. Gianni Battgalia, when asked, declined comment.
In essence, the cancellation of the Scientific and Technical Committee is an attack on the Democratic Party which had requested the inclusion of this organism. The rest was one of the few points that he had asked the Democratic Party. An important point for the effectiveness of the university iblea. It 'clear that the statement of responsibility now that the Democratic Party had Friday and that is that the groups board had approved the statute may be impaired. In the PD
Board is represented by John and Sebastian Battaglia Gurrieri.
There are no official statements by the University Consortium, but there is only a press of Franco Antoci declaring: "It's definitely an important step - the President of the Province, Franco Antoci - which we hope will bring in a short time, the final approval of the statute to allow a door in the private consortium, with the help of additional resources. The emergency
university is not, in fact, because there is over the hill to combine resources with the needs of university staff under the new rules established by the Minister Gelmini from the Academic Year 2010-2011. The current board of directors - said the President Franco Antoci - has so far, with seriousness and responsibility, dealt with the situation, but it is clearly necessary on the part of the territory all, the realization that without a great synergy institutional, political and social will be difficult, statute or statutes, to overcome this time. "
After the shareholders' meeting was also scheduled the meeting of the Board of Directors, which continued with the tenor of the litigation. In
Board to lash out against the UDC also Sebastien Gurrieri and Saverio La Grua that certainly did not discount at Antoci.
The board had to deal with the training plan, but President Maureen was forced to update to work Friday. A nebulous term at University Consortium. Also because the demand for Orazio Ragusa requesting the reset of the board also goes against Franco Antoci that after the resignation of the Dragon is a board member. But the Board is unlikely to be sent home before January 2011 unless there are no voluntary resignation. To be noted that Udc, Mpa and IDV not have components inside the board, important considerations that will later status still pending.
Mid-November: IV Pole university also Caltanissetta ... Synergy and unity between Siracusa and Ragusa
Work continues on the fourth pole of the public should see together consortia of Syracuse, Ragusa and Enna Kore. But it is possible that you may also Caltanissetta part of the ambitious project. And there is the common wish the provinces of Ragusa and Syracuse to join forces to face together the challenges universities in their respective provinces. Why is that Ragusa Siracusa living difficult times with the University of Catania. The relationships between the consortia and university rector Antonino Recca are always the hardest and most critical in view also the entry into force of the minimum requirements of the academic year 2010/2011. Ragusa and Siracusa
Among the institutional synergy emerged during the interview strictly interim between the President of the Province, Franco Antoci, and that of Siracusa, Nicola Bono, which was also attended by the President of the University Consortium ibleo John Mauro and the representative of that aretusean Mario Cavallaro. "Before entering the decision-making on the future of the University - said Antoci - with President Bono We decided to walk together in the choice of the training and nell'interlocuzione with the Ministry of University and with regional government."
and the province of Syracuse could play a major role given that the national government is represented by the Minister Stefania Prestigiacomo and the regional government with the Assessor Tweety Bufardeci that only Saturday launched the fourth pole of the public. Area that would give a helping hand to the consortia even if the funds are beginning to fail. In short, it's a very mixed situation that puts all apprehensive. And while the territory Avis ibleo would ponder the hall, beginning at 9.30 am, the meeting of the States General of the University. The students hope that is not the usual catwalk, but that the meeting can serve. The catwalks were there, unfortunately! The problems with Catania and problems in languages \u200b\u200bhave slowed the process for approval of amendments to the statute. Provincial council and municipal council of Ragusa are on stand-by. It is no longer haunted. In short, this statute does not want to approve blessed. To be noted that the approval of the statute is very important: if it is approved we can accept external partners who can fund the Consortium and therefore have fewer problems and + revenue payments. Without the approval of the latter can not go forward.
Late November : University / 1 "There are more conditions to continue"
The University of the University ballast Etna, Recca want to download the campuses
"You can not do with the University of stamped paper, but there are no conditions for the continuation of institutional relationships with the campuses otherwise you run the risk of Catania even close. " The Rector
Antonino Recca, so candid, snapshot of the situation, adding: "I am urging the ministry to the University for public recognition of the fourth pole in Ragusa and Siracusa. I Warning - the Chancellor said - there should be well Enna.
can no longer continue to do so because Catania must collect credits for 60 million euro, of which only 30 of Enna. I understand that Ragusa has to give a little, but did not comply with the date of the Memorandum of Understanding signed in Rome on June 30. "
The rector added: "Now is not the half million euro to be paid by Oct. 31, but there are no conditions to continue. I remember also that with the Presidency Dragon, the University has made a transition in which it lost 6 million euro. Catania so close and this could be detrimental to Ragusa and Siracusa and students in these two provinces that would forced to go outside. "
The rector is a river and says, "Our policy is to place university students in the middle. For example, the transfer of medicine from Ragusa to Catania have had 10 requests from students who are in financial difficulties. With the findings of the Guardia di Finanza di Ragusa whom I thank for the speed we have approved a contribution of € 5,000 each to enable them to continue their studies. "
In essence, the chancellor reiterated his concepts in the academic year 2010/2011 will not be activated the first year of degree courses in Ragusa. "On the first years following the date we will see what to do. We will decide later, but if you find any special needs, the University courses will continue until exhaustion. "
Meanwhile, the presidents of the provinces of Ragusa and Siracusa, Franco Antoci and Nicola Bono, the Mayor of Syracuse, Roberto Visentin, President of the University Consortium Ibleo, John Mauro, and his deputy John Battle, and representatives of the Consortium of Syracuse have had a meeting at the Ministry for the fourth pole.
You are trying to obtain recognition of the autonomy with the next three-year plan to be launched by December 31. Beginning in February
always tense relations between the Consortium and Recca
New Conventions for the University of Catania iblea the university awaits the green light on the acts
Municipal councils provincial authorities and members of the University Consortium, chaired by John Mauro and composed by Gianni Battaglia, Saverio La Grua, Sebastian Gurrieri, Carmelo Arezzo, Franco Antoci Leontini and Innocent (which in each university has never seen), will be called short- and with much solicitude to approve the new agreements that will govern the relationship between the Consortium and the University of Catania Ibleo also because the academic year 2010/2011 should enter into force on the minimum dictated by Decree 270 of the Gelmini.
The conditional is a must because the bill one thousand extensions could be added just an extension of the new device and entry into force the new law from the academic year 2011/2012. According to reports that have been learned in the old University Consortium agreements have been resolved by the rector of Recca Ragusa because the entity was in default, that is paid for not later than October 31 and no later than January 7, last term of formal notice, a million and a half, but only 320,000 €. Obviously, the consortium will submit the application.
The new Convention provides for each course a commitment of the Consortium up to a maximum of one million and € 830,000 was sent to the dean after the approval of the shareholders on January 8 as per protocol number 52. But the chancellor wants the deliberations of the council Ragusa and the Provincial Council, namely energy, you must assume the burden of costs. Consortium and the University of L'Aquila and left at Palazzo Viale del Fante, the draft convention on January 19 last year as the protocol number 133. So for each course are up to a maximum of one million and 830 thousand euro of which 1.6 million euro fee of 20 teachers.
But in the academic year 2010/2011 will not take all this money because teachers should be structured in Ragusa and will be banned after the competitions. At the present time are designed to Agriculture in Ragusa 9 professors, 16 lecturers in Languages \u200b\u200band Law 10 teachers. A total of 35 teachers that will cost a total of two million and € 800 thousand to 690 thousand euro should be added to operating expenses.
A total of three and a half million euro, five million and a half away from when it comes to speed. Institutions, if you still want it and if the conditions of having a relationship again with the University of Catania, should agree to run the convention.
February 6: THE FINAL ACT:
lodged with the Court a dossier to cancel the formal University, Mauro goes to roads that started the lawsuit against the University
Ibleo The University Consortium, chaired by John Mauro, with his lawyer, the lawyer Guido Ottaviano, appealed to the Court Ragusa under former Article 700 of the Code of Civil Procedure (urgent) warning against the University of Catania and its rector Antonino Recca. The University last December 15 had warned the consortium to pay the sum of over a half million euro by January 7, on pain of termination of the agreement in place. And in fact with succesivi note of 15 January, the rector announced settlement agreements.
With the use of full-bodied (came up with 39 attachments), the Consortium urges the Court to declare the formal notice, ordering the University of Catania to fulfill the obligations arising from agreements that are in place regarding the degree of Sciences Tropical and Subtropical, Languages \u200b\u200band Literature and Law. So much for questions of giudiziario.Ma Meanwhile the Provincial Council and the city council members are bodies to approve the new Convention for the courses to be attivarecon the requirements provided by law 270. An agreement which provides for a cost per degree (three years more specialized) to one million and 830 thousand euro. As for the province, the Prime Minister, John Occhipinti, left the act in the Committee's opinion, to bring the Convention all'aprovazione classroom.
The subject was also addressed at the conference of leaders to the city of Ragusa. And here will be here soon committee. He was the adviser to Sonia Better to urge the topic. Occhipinti also, next week plans to convene a joint session of the conference of leaders of municipalities and provinces to expedite the process
Meanwhile the provincial council and municipal council members are bodies to approve the new agreement for the courses attivarecon from the requirements provided by law 270. An agreement which provides for a cost per degree (three years more specialized) to one million and 830 thousand euro. As for the province, the Prime Minister, John Occhipinti, left the act in the Committee's opinion, to bring the Convention all'aprovazione classroom.
"The postponement until a later date of approval of the new Convention with the University of Catania a landscape of open questions that urgently need to give definite answers and explanations by the leadership of the City and County." And
'This is the thought of a director Sebastian Gurrieri, who adds that "if the request is legitimate to ask for more time for further study, would have been more than reasonable to expect that we establish simultaneously a new and specific date of reconvening.
Because the court has once again triggered a welter of forces in the wall, as the first effect was obsessive request the resumption of the resignation of President John Mauro. Meanwhile, the new statute approved becomes operational on March 5 with the formal deed.
"At this point, except in moments of insights and further examination, I think it is fair to the request of attitudes consistent and timely feedback between acts which produce the two administrations, which at the same time, they are also an expression of clear majorities .
If not, or if not more so - says Gurry - then things are called by name, tell you if there are no majorities or board who have expressed and decisions reached, and bring order and transparency in the which seems to be more equivocal and an involution of gelatin, especially for the intersection of the light elements that should be distant and opposite. It is possible that every time you arrive at important turning points in the positive growth in the university structure iblea should watch the barrage of mutually repulsive forces but every time integrated nell'assalto diligence, without worrying about the damage which obtain expectations of students. Assume that each time, in the light of the sun, their responsibilities and act accordingly, without subdivision.
March START: Employees of the university consortium
ibleo calling for the resignation of the board of the Consortium will have
than twenty days the office of the University Consortium, the lawyer Guido Ottaviano, to present a defense to the counterclaims of the University of Catania, who last week was set up in the application submitted by consortium before the judge of the Court of Ragusa.
A civil case, under Article 700 (emergency procedure), to request cancellation of the warning made by the University of Catania on December 18 last year to the Consortium that led to the resolutions of the conventions that were in force: Agriculture, Law and Language. Judge Vincent Ignaccolo yesterday morning held the hearing. The Consortium Ottaviano was sponsored by the Advocate, and two lawyers from the University Sector Advocacy of the University. But where does the quarrel? The University of Catania, the Consortium has warned that by October 31 had not paid the first installment of the academic year 2009/2010, or about one and a half million euro. Gave a formal notice to the Consortium the opportunity to pay by January 7 penalty settlement agreements under the former Article 1454 of the Civil Code.
The University Consortium on December 29 last year disbursed a sum of 320,000 euro camp there justification for the statement of medicine whose agreement has been terminated with effect from October 31. In addition to the cause there is also that before the civil Tar legal brief that the deposit after it has been notified. And meanwhile, to approve the new agreement by the provincial and municipal councils of Ragusa have separated the streets of the two bodies that had gathered at the Chamber of Commerce on 23 February. The conference of leaders of the Province, led by John Occhipinti (pictured), decided to go ahead and treat the subject at its meeting on 8 March. In short, Viale del Fante want to take responsibility for approving the Convention to try to save the university courses in Ragusa.
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