We often speak of Youth and Politics ... It is often said that young people are uninterested in politics but I do not think so.
It 's a fact that young people lack confidence in Italian politics, but even more political parties.
are disillusioned, angry, anxious because they can not even dream of a peaceful future.
The younger generation in modern society are forced to tackle many problems that day by day, make it increasingly difficult condizionidi their lives. The difficulty in finding a job, and then an income that makes them self-sufficient and allows him to have an independent life, leads young people to an identity crisis due to often feel frustrated in a humiliating way. The difficulty in purchasing a home, making them difficult to plan for the future and take them to prolong their lives in the paternal family and hence the disappointment due to their need for autonomy and freedom of experience.
All this causes the collapse of so many certainties and many myths and leads them to a crisis of ideal values \u200b\u200bfor which everything is contingent and institutions sometimes set so far away from the real country, young people seem more distant and unable to solve or just understand their problems. The crisis of ideal values \u200b\u200bis now crucial in the general confusion and loneliness in the young generations
The future is far away, you can not even to see far away, you can not program and all hopes vanish into thin air.
Unemployment is the main cause of the total lack of confidence in the political establishment.
The work, in addition to being financially secure, dignotosa makes the personality of each individual. Without labor there is no production and there is no future!
Work makes man noble and allows it to develop and to realize his own life.
Sicily with 42.9% is among the ten European regions with the highest rate of youth unemployment. He says Eurostat, the European statistical office, in a report on the employment situation in the EU regions. But even in Italy no joke! Recent data on the labor market, released by the office
European statistics, a record for our country, the youth unemployment rate among the highest in Europe. According to Eurostat every 100 young Italians do not count that as many as 20 have jobs.
These data allow us to understand why many young people today feel lost and disillusioned with a political system that underestimates one of the biggest problems of our country. All
govarni, right and left, over the years have never understood the problems of young people, they never tried to solve the problem of unemployment and thus have not created the conditions necessary to even hope for a future, not I say best, of course.
Now before all of this as they should respond to new generations?
I think that the anxieties, fears, moral rebellion, disappointments, and incazzature are lawful in front of a general malaise.
But from here to say that young people are far away from politics it takes a while.
Young people participating in the political life of our country more than you can imagine. They gather in groups, committees, spontaneous groups and how they play politics, perhaps more than our "politicians" can do.
no shortage of interest in the problems that exist in our society, but lacks a sense of trust in institutions, parties that until now have not given the answers necessary and the resolution of the problems that destroy a generation of young people who feel pushed aside from the many jokes we see every day on TV and in newspapers.
A concrete example makes clear that the idea of \u200b\u200bpolitical participation among young people is given by a group of young citizens who have recently made a big move "the Purple People." A group created by Facebook, which has grown quickly and has managed to organize two demonstrations which involved more people than the political manifestations of the parties. And 'here the key that helps us understand how great is the desire to make policy on the part of young people today more than ever want to be protaginisti the construction of their future, that future is not there.
Young people do not want to participate actively in party politics.
I am the Secretary of the Young Democrats of Ragusa, do policy since 2006 and have seen many young people move from youth movements in which they were participating. But few believe it really! I always wondered why and now I found the answer to my question .. Everything I have said so far is my answer, developed slowly, especially after talking and listening to many young people. However, I am a member of the Democratic Party and I have also important roles I have to be objective, first of all by myself and then with all young people. It 'obvious that there are people (right and left) who do politics for their own interests and it is also obvious that few are saved.
Most of the leaders of a party seeks to make inroads and increase its career. By the municipal council, the deputy, the senator and those who were cut off, unfortunately for them or for incompetence or inconvenience to someone, each of them tries to get feedback election stronger than ever and a role of power. Let us not pretend that it is not because it would mortify the intelligence of so many young people today who go away just because they understood how the Italian politics. And not only
.... role that political parties give to young people?? Well we can not deny that there is interest in young people, but there must also be said that the interest is often an electoral purpose. We often see young people engaged in political activity within the parties, young people who spend a lot, who devote themselves with passion to the problems of their cities, their own generation and the generations even weaker. There are also young people who do politics for more than a hope for the future and this can not be denied because it is the reality. But everyone is still committed to the service of these parties often do not reward participation, which is why so many young people after a short path to devote themselves more to initiatives organized social groups within which the political activity of political parties.
It 'obvious that even here we are faced with an inability of the rulers of a political party and therefore of the meet the needs of young people.
We often hear politicians talk about the problems of young people .. in election campaigns there is nothing to talk about youth work and issues close to them but everything is still there, in a context that takes several months.
and the presidential campaigns are also rare moments of true youth participation .. times when the party succeeds in making them partners and involve them ... and these are the moments when young people are humiliated even more .. they are called to work, in distrubution election leaflets, election organizing committee, especially in filling out forms and to seek consensus .. There are even some parties that use a system is particularly common in our region of patronage itself: you find me the vows I offer you a job .. A real psychological blackmail .. Young people are in a state of insecurity because of lack of work and if we accept without thinking the promise is not kept, the disappointment and frustration will lead to a loss of trust.
And even worse is the illusion of being considered so to be included on the electoral roll as a candidate. When the lists are blocked, we see that there are always at the top present the usual names and the usual faces .. the face of the renewal of youth. When the competition is free and runs on schedules specified on the basis of consent, then the young are left alone in search of a consensus, so that the parties always help the same people, who are then elected, and could lead the young vote parties and grow the consents.
Not to mention the division of the chairs and armchairs, jobs and roles of relief .. We see young people set aside and the same old people to benefit from this. And it is this reality that only people who go on a family name, they are children of which lend themselves to accommodating someone in politics only because of personal ... Then we find ourselves to have many members who hold office and who can not perform well even one of the tasks and we are in a country where there is nothing that works ..
What is the benefit of young people in this sick system of Italian party politics??
There's no benefit ...
For young people who play politics and do not depend on someone having the courage to contradict even when you have left is the hope of finding accommodation somewhere to have a better future and will always remain a slave to the ideas and actions of others ...
for young people, however, truly believe in what they do and have the courage to rebel to a system like this is unseemly in the hope that one day there is a general awakening of conscience of all citizens and all those who complain do not begin to take steps to give confidence to those who have not shown up to play the role as we gave.
The Secretary of the Young Democrats of Ragusa Valentina
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