1) Ends 7 to 6 for the opposition, the election the 2010 regional elections. Who wins? Who loses?
1) The real winner of this regional is definitely the people of abstention.
There is no certainty that even in Italy, traditionally among the countries with the highest voter turnout, even in Europe, and vote us to play a leading role (one in three did not go to the polls). I think the Italian parties have to start thinking about this important figure represents a general distrust towards this political system that places the focus of citizens but their own interests.
However I must admit that the center-right wins the election. We must be honest and objective, we must understand and analyze the mistakes that the Democratic Party has done and start again trying to do better next time.
2) There are two regional presidents elected by the League, what is this victory of Bossi's party?
2) The League wins in the north because it falls in the territories, he speaks but for a simplified language understandable to all this, knows how to listen and to build on resentment, more or less unconscious fears (to develop it further), able to create a imagery around him and his warhorses, with slogans, mottos, sayings that have taken concrete. League that wins because he can give a name to the crisis, providing its own particular fear responses to gradually slip down large parts of the country. The League appointment interests and clear path to a social block cross expresses a force that relies on selfishness of people (to become survival in times of crisis), with an ability to appeal very strongly within the progressive alienation of the symbolic references and the continuous detachment in place within the society (crisis of representation, de-legitimization of the political class ... etc).
not forget, however, that the League has always penalized and ghettoized southern Italy. I'm really concerned about the developments that may be in future and I hope that the gap between north and south does not increase even more. The Berlusconi government has forgotten the influence of the League of the South in these years but most have forgotten that the southern regions like Sicily gave him my trust and have contributed most to his election. You can not say that the government has lifted its ici Italians if he was to pay the gap in Sicily with strong Fas cut in funding and other resources with other southern regions. We will see in the coming months the influence of the League within the PDL and see if the axis Berlusconi-Bossi-Fini resist.
3) Bersani on the day after the elections, said "We did not win, but we have not even lost." As Secretary of Young Democrats and leader of the Democratic Party do you think?
3) I am a person objective and sincere and I can definitely say that my party does not have the huge responsibilities. It 'clear that we have lost is useless to deny it to ourselves and to others. In Puglia, we must thank
Vendola who managed to reconfirm governor. Surely there was the contribution of the PD initially, but we must remember that the Democratic Party would not support it and did everything to prevent it not to mention the election campaign for the candidate who was not the best. In
Lazio must thank Emma Bonino who put the face to all of us, but it was not the right candidate to win since nn could have the support of the Church. In the Piedmont
loses Bresso a few votes and the responsibility is always ours. We can not blame that Grillo has stolen our votes, I recall that Bresso was in favor of plate and this has penalized by the movement grillino buy votes. I was in favor of the entry of Cricket in PD but was not accepted, we now also bring votes to us it seems a bit 'absurd. In Calabria
Loiero has suffered a major setback because of his disastrous management. Honestly I would not have run again and do not understand how a party that often speak of legality, renewal, meritocracy may have thought to nominate it. How can people believe if we are inconsistent with what we say.
In Campania Bassolino management was rejected by the people, certainly contributed to the environmental issue of waste, but there has been little attention in recent years on the problems of the people.
These data make clear that the political defeat of my party that I think instead of thinking about attacking Berlusconi should try to start from the basis that the needs of the people. The election campaign should be done with themes close to the people and not against the inability of the PDL in time to submit lists. We must inform people but do not overdo it. More Berlusconi clings to gain more votes we lose the prime minister who passes as a victim.
addition there is to say that the class leader of the Democratic Party, in my view, has not been able to manage well the alliances and lists. For example, in Campania and Calabria in the lists of the PD had to be strong, the expression of great personalities who had been distorted and that they should grow consent. While it used to skimming the PDL of applications in Pd were trying desperately to be able to nominate people. This I believe is called political incapacity. And due to failure of policy that we have lost. To win you have to nominate the best, you have to take the field with serious proposals, we must have consistency in the choice of alliances, but above all we must have a relationship with all the territories. Now we do
series of reflections, we must select the ruling class according to ability and not based on membership or friendships. You must be able to choose alliances closer to our political program and you start close to the people.
often say "We are a party innovation and renewal" .. I believe, however, that we are a party still bound to an old system of power and saturated. There is talk of generational change and we always see the same faces, the same people that now the people are tired to see and hear.
The young are so many in our party and are mature enough to begin a new location but the old leaders of this party are afraid of change, of renewal. I wonder: we speak to do renovation if then there are always the same people?? What is put young people in the party lists if he does not help them to get them elected??
A party that wants to be a real alternative can not close in itself but it must first build a relationship with the territories, as did the League. It must be close to people without buts and maybe .. must fight together to citizens all the injustice and must be on their side. You can not expect that people should not votarci if we show by our actions that we are able to accommodate their concerns and understand their problems.
have to go back on the streets and you have to cry aloud that the Democratic Party will not be longer a party but a party lounges and chairs closer to the citizens. Often when I look
BallarĂ² Year Zero or door or door is left disappointed by the responses that the leaders of my party damage on the many problems and the many lies told by the center-right. We must be clear and must speak a common language, because people need to understand how they are living and what are the evils that are changing our country.
If we do not change course we will lose.
4) What do you think of the victory of Vendola in Puglia? It is said that he could win because the PDL was divided.
4) But I think Nichi won the election because he managed to govern well and was rewarded, but because he can speak to people and take their concerns. The factory Vendola welcomed many young people who are committed to support because they saw in him a person capable of grasping the real problem of this generation today feels lost and hopeless.
absolutely do not think that the division of the PDL has contributed to his election, in fact I think the president has left many in the heart of Puglia. I am convinced also that if Vendola plans to expand in the rest of Italy set up the factory in the elections, will have a great success.
I reckon a lot as a person but also as a politician.
5) Berlusconi these days, said "He won the Government. We promise to make reforms, "What do you think?
5) That the center-right won no doubt about it, but Berlusconi has to remember that it is thanks to the league that has had this result and I do not think the president will sleep peacefully as Bossi's party has always been demanding this point of upsetting the balance within the PDL.
As regards the reforms we'll see. The departure already worries me, instead of thinking about problems such as unemployment and the crisis we are talking about reform of the justice and federalism. I think that Italy is a country still in crisis and need immediate action to try to get out as soon as possible. Unemployment is devouring millions of families in despair are willing to do anything (remember the 11 people who committed suicide over losing the job). These are problems which must be discussed and we must intervene. Justice can wait.
6) How has the UDC in this election?
6) Given that I have not shared the UDC hops left and right according to his convenience. Alliances are based on the sharing of ideas and projects. I do not think the UDC in some regions of the Democratic Party supported the program and in other of the PDL, but I think that the party has found the best way Casini to exit the winner in this election. He won in all regions because it has allied itself on the strength of a major political party over another.
However I must admit that it grew and it was also crucial for the Democratic Party win in elections in many regions.
7) How come there was a strong turnout in this election?
7) E 'alarming the turnout of this election, is' obvious that Italians are tired of false promises, hypocrisy, adopted in election campaigns but most importantly it is clear that many no longer have faith in politics. They do not want to hear say "We want to do" but "we did" not want to hear you say "come through the crisis" but "We came out of the crisis".
People no longer trust in politics and institutions and we have a duty not to underestimate this fact so important, a general malaise that is manifested as a large protest by the Italians. But apparently the day after the election returns in talking and arguing over who was the winner and who's not. From here we should understand that nothing is changing and how big is the inability to learn from the messages, requests and needs of our citizens. From this analysis, we should break down and the Democratic Party should work so that we can change course and we can restore confidence in the Italians.
8) Siciliano What do you think the Democratic Party, did well to ally themselves with the Lombard? If he had voted in Sicily that the results would have been?
8) Fortunately, you have not voted in Sicily because I think it would be a heavy defeat. In my region, I think, we're not ready to win. We consider that this is a difficult region, where the electorate prefers to vote for those who favor and those who do not deserve. As for the Pd
Sicilian can not speak of a true alliance, but certainly do not agree absolutely support to Lombard. Unfortunately, the critics are also the leadership of the Sicilian pd.
I supported the motion because I shared the wolf program and especially the rejection of the crutch to Lombard, but today we find ourselves in a situation completely opposite. I supported and support the Wolf because I think my Secretary in his person and in his political capacity. His parliamentary activity showed that it is a practical and reliable Parson but our misfortune is surrounded by a deputation who thinks only of personal interest. Unfortunately, the ruling class in Sicily, all, (because it's easy to blame only the Secretary), has not shown that he wanted a new party, able to assert as an alternative. Thus continuing the Democratic Party loses yet Sicilian consensus rather than recover it. People are really disgusted and disappointed by our way of doing politics, and only when we have a heavy defeat, we will realize, perhaps, that we are wrong.
9) Your criticism of the Democratic Party are strong enough to have to ask why the remains still in the PD?
9) I chose this party because I believed in the project. I put all my soul and my passion to pursue my ideas, my projects and to increase the youth movement within the Democratic Party in my hometown. I am also a member of the regional executive of Gd Sicily and I have spent with sacrifice make my contribution. All this I did because I believed in a change of direction, in a renewal policy. And I still believe! I strongly believe the fact that we young people can change something in our small and I know perfectly well that nobody gives us anything, even to avoid hindering us from growing. But I am confident and my stubbornness tells me that we achieve what we want, to get it because of our ability and our way of doing politics sincere and devoid of any type of interest. I've never had a father master, I am a person who knows how to think properly and no one should say or what to do. My choices are quite rational, motivated by my sense of duty against those who believe in me. And it is precisely because they are honest, first with myself and then with those who believe in me, I say what I think even if I go against my own party. It is said that in politics it takes diplomacy, but diplomacy often does not pay even makes us slaves of this system of power.
The duty of the young people of this party is to undermine this system of power and restore confidence and hope to new generations. All this with his own personality without being glued to those in power. I am so, critical but honest and I intend to continue my path in my party with my personality.
10) What do you think Congress of the Democratic Party that will happen in the coming months? In the province of Ragusa has presented an application of youth, are you satisfied?
10) We are approaching the date of the conference and sincerely I am not happy nor the choice of candidates or for the way my party has handled the pre-conference. There was no discussion on the issues, there were no programs, but it was thought only to decide the names that are convenient to one or the other. It is said that he gave space to young people with the candidacy of a young man but I have to deny because we have not been considered at all.
The choice of application does not start from the youth movement, youth, but is an expression of the power system I mentioned earlier. Someone wanted this job because he wants to be the winner and have not even discussed the possibility of support from a youth group that is large enough in the province of Ragusa. We wanted to help with the most suitable candidate to draw up the policy agenda maybe inserting some places for young people but this was not possible because there was no discussion. I think that once again the city of Ragusa is not considered since I have the feeling that you want to elect a candidate of the town of Comiso and this shows that the ruling class of Ragusa has no capacity to make proposals unit that brings joy to our city and our party. This demonstrates that the interests are more important than the common good. I think also that it is not properly burn the candidacy of a young man only for personal egos of some politicians who do not want to step aside to give space to others. We always talk about systems of power that cause serious damage to our party and if you do not change course you can never talk about renewal.
This is what I think and I have no problem expressing my simple but sincere opinion.
But I hope that after the party congress this seriously because you start to do politics in our province is indeed dead.
1) The real winner of this regional is definitely the people of abstention.
There is no certainty that even in Italy, traditionally among the countries with the highest voter turnout, even in Europe, and vote us to play a leading role (one in three did not go to the polls). I think the Italian parties have to start thinking about this important figure represents a general distrust towards this political system that places the focus of citizens but their own interests.
However I must admit that the center-right wins the election. We must be honest and objective, we must understand and analyze the mistakes that the Democratic Party has done and start again trying to do better next time.
2) There are two regional presidents elected by the League, what is this victory of Bossi's party?
2) The League wins in the north because it falls in the territories, he speaks but for a simplified language understandable to all this, knows how to listen and to build on resentment, more or less unconscious fears (to develop it further), able to create a imagery around him and his warhorses, with slogans, mottos, sayings that have taken concrete. League that wins because he can give a name to the crisis, providing its own particular fear responses to gradually slip down large parts of the country. The League appointment interests and clear path to a social block cross expresses a force that relies on selfishness of people (to become survival in times of crisis), with an ability to appeal very strongly within the progressive alienation of the symbolic references and the continuous detachment in place within the society (crisis of representation, de-legitimization of the political class ... etc).
not forget, however, that the League has always penalized and ghettoized southern Italy. I'm really concerned about the developments that may be in future and I hope that the gap between north and south does not increase even more. The Berlusconi government has forgotten the influence of the League of the South in these years but most have forgotten that the southern regions like Sicily gave him my trust and have contributed most to his election. You can not say that the government has lifted its ici Italians if he was to pay the gap in Sicily with strong Fas cut in funding and other resources with other southern regions. We will see in the coming months the influence of the League within the PDL and see if the axis Berlusconi-Bossi-Fini resist.
3) Bersani on the day after the elections, said "We did not win, but we have not even lost." As Secretary of Young Democrats and leader of the Democratic Party do you think?
3) I am a person objective and sincere and I can definitely say that my party does not have the huge responsibilities. It 'clear that we have lost is useless to deny it to ourselves and to others. In Puglia, we must thank
Vendola who managed to reconfirm governor. Surely there was the contribution of the PD initially, but we must remember that the Democratic Party would not support it and did everything to prevent it not to mention the election campaign for the candidate who was not the best. In
Lazio must thank Emma Bonino who put the face to all of us, but it was not the right candidate to win since nn could have the support of the Church. In the Piedmont
loses Bresso a few votes and the responsibility is always ours. We can not blame that Grillo has stolen our votes, I recall that Bresso was in favor of plate and this has penalized by the movement grillino buy votes. I was in favor of the entry of Cricket in PD but was not accepted, we now also bring votes to us it seems a bit 'absurd. In Calabria
Loiero has suffered a major setback because of his disastrous management. Honestly I would not have run again and do not understand how a party that often speak of legality, renewal, meritocracy may have thought to nominate it. How can people believe if we are inconsistent with what we say.
In Campania Bassolino management was rejected by the people, certainly contributed to the environmental issue of waste, but there has been little attention in recent years on the problems of the people.
These data make clear that the political defeat of my party that I think instead of thinking about attacking Berlusconi should try to start from the basis that the needs of the people. The election campaign should be done with themes close to the people and not against the inability of the PDL in time to submit lists. We must inform people but do not overdo it. More Berlusconi clings to gain more votes we lose the prime minister who passes as a victim.
addition there is to say that the class leader of the Democratic Party, in my view, has not been able to manage well the alliances and lists. For example, in Campania and Calabria in the lists of the PD had to be strong, the expression of great personalities who had been distorted and that they should grow consent. While it used to skimming the PDL of applications in Pd were trying desperately to be able to nominate people. This I believe is called political incapacity. And due to failure of policy that we have lost. To win you have to nominate the best, you have to take the field with serious proposals, we must have consistency in the choice of alliances, but above all we must have a relationship with all the territories. Now we do
series of reflections, we must select the ruling class according to ability and not based on membership or friendships. You must be able to choose alliances closer to our political program and you start close to the people.
often say "We are a party innovation and renewal" .. I believe, however, that we are a party still bound to an old system of power and saturated. There is talk of generational change and we always see the same faces, the same people that now the people are tired to see and hear.
The young are so many in our party and are mature enough to begin a new location but the old leaders of this party are afraid of change, of renewal. I wonder: we speak to do renovation if then there are always the same people?? What is put young people in the party lists if he does not help them to get them elected??
A party that wants to be a real alternative can not close in itself but it must first build a relationship with the territories, as did the League. It must be close to people without buts and maybe .. must fight together to citizens all the injustice and must be on their side. You can not expect that people should not votarci if we show by our actions that we are able to accommodate their concerns and understand their problems.
have to go back on the streets and you have to cry aloud that the Democratic Party will not be longer a party but a party lounges and chairs closer to the citizens. Often when I look
BallarĂ² Year Zero or door or door is left disappointed by the responses that the leaders of my party damage on the many problems and the many lies told by the center-right. We must be clear and must speak a common language, because people need to understand how they are living and what are the evils that are changing our country.
If we do not change course we will lose.
4) What do you think of the victory of Vendola in Puglia? It is said that he could win because the PDL was divided.
4) But I think Nichi won the election because he managed to govern well and was rewarded, but because he can speak to people and take their concerns. The factory Vendola welcomed many young people who are committed to support because they saw in him a person capable of grasping the real problem of this generation today feels lost and hopeless.
absolutely do not think that the division of the PDL has contributed to his election, in fact I think the president has left many in the heart of Puglia. I am convinced also that if Vendola plans to expand in the rest of Italy set up the factory in the elections, will have a great success.
I reckon a lot as a person but also as a politician.
5) Berlusconi these days, said "He won the Government. We promise to make reforms, "What do you think?
5) That the center-right won no doubt about it, but Berlusconi has to remember that it is thanks to the league that has had this result and I do not think the president will sleep peacefully as Bossi's party has always been demanding this point of upsetting the balance within the PDL.
As regards the reforms we'll see. The departure already worries me, instead of thinking about problems such as unemployment and the crisis we are talking about reform of the justice and federalism. I think that Italy is a country still in crisis and need immediate action to try to get out as soon as possible. Unemployment is devouring millions of families in despair are willing to do anything (remember the 11 people who committed suicide over losing the job). These are problems which must be discussed and we must intervene. Justice can wait.
6) How has the UDC in this election?
6) Given that I have not shared the UDC hops left and right according to his convenience. Alliances are based on the sharing of ideas and projects. I do not think the UDC in some regions of the Democratic Party supported the program and in other of the PDL, but I think that the party has found the best way Casini to exit the winner in this election. He won in all regions because it has allied itself on the strength of a major political party over another.
However I must admit that it grew and it was also crucial for the Democratic Party win in elections in many regions.
7) How come there was a strong turnout in this election?
7) E 'alarming the turnout of this election, is' obvious that Italians are tired of false promises, hypocrisy, adopted in election campaigns but most importantly it is clear that many no longer have faith in politics. They do not want to hear say "We want to do" but "we did" not want to hear you say "come through the crisis" but "We came out of the crisis".
People no longer trust in politics and institutions and we have a duty not to underestimate this fact so important, a general malaise that is manifested as a large protest by the Italians. But apparently the day after the election returns in talking and arguing over who was the winner and who's not. From here we should understand that nothing is changing and how big is the inability to learn from the messages, requests and needs of our citizens. From this analysis, we should break down and the Democratic Party should work so that we can change course and we can restore confidence in the Italians.
8) Siciliano What do you think the Democratic Party, did well to ally themselves with the Lombard? If he had voted in Sicily that the results would have been?
8) Fortunately, you have not voted in Sicily because I think it would be a heavy defeat. In my region, I think, we're not ready to win. We consider that this is a difficult region, where the electorate prefers to vote for those who favor and those who do not deserve. As for the Pd
Sicilian can not speak of a true alliance, but certainly do not agree absolutely support to Lombard. Unfortunately, the critics are also the leadership of the Sicilian pd.
I supported the motion because I shared the wolf program and especially the rejection of the crutch to Lombard, but today we find ourselves in a situation completely opposite. I supported and support the Wolf because I think my Secretary in his person and in his political capacity. His parliamentary activity showed that it is a practical and reliable Parson but our misfortune is surrounded by a deputation who thinks only of personal interest. Unfortunately, the ruling class in Sicily, all, (because it's easy to blame only the Secretary), has not shown that he wanted a new party, able to assert as an alternative. Thus continuing the Democratic Party loses yet Sicilian consensus rather than recover it. People are really disgusted and disappointed by our way of doing politics, and only when we have a heavy defeat, we will realize, perhaps, that we are wrong.
9) Your criticism of the Democratic Party are strong enough to have to ask why the remains still in the PD?
9) I chose this party because I believed in the project. I put all my soul and my passion to pursue my ideas, my projects and to increase the youth movement within the Democratic Party in my hometown. I am also a member of the regional executive of Gd Sicily and I have spent with sacrifice make my contribution. All this I did because I believed in a change of direction, in a renewal policy. And I still believe! I strongly believe the fact that we young people can change something in our small and I know perfectly well that nobody gives us anything, even to avoid hindering us from growing. But I am confident and my stubbornness tells me that we achieve what we want, to get it because of our ability and our way of doing politics sincere and devoid of any type of interest. I've never had a father master, I am a person who knows how to think properly and no one should say or what to do. My choices are quite rational, motivated by my sense of duty against those who believe in me. And it is precisely because they are honest, first with myself and then with those who believe in me, I say what I think even if I go against my own party. It is said that in politics it takes diplomacy, but diplomacy often does not pay even makes us slaves of this system of power.
The duty of the young people of this party is to undermine this system of power and restore confidence and hope to new generations. All this with his own personality without being glued to those in power. I am so, critical but honest and I intend to continue my path in my party with my personality.
10) What do you think Congress of the Democratic Party that will happen in the coming months? In the province of Ragusa has presented an application of youth, are you satisfied?
10) We are approaching the date of the conference and sincerely I am not happy nor the choice of candidates or for the way my party has handled the pre-conference. There was no discussion on the issues, there were no programs, but it was thought only to decide the names that are convenient to one or the other. It is said that he gave space to young people with the candidacy of a young man but I have to deny because we have not been considered at all.
The choice of application does not start from the youth movement, youth, but is an expression of the power system I mentioned earlier. Someone wanted this job because he wants to be the winner and have not even discussed the possibility of support from a youth group that is large enough in the province of Ragusa. We wanted to help with the most suitable candidate to draw up the policy agenda maybe inserting some places for young people but this was not possible because there was no discussion. I think that once again the city of Ragusa is not considered since I have the feeling that you want to elect a candidate of the town of Comiso and this shows that the ruling class of Ragusa has no capacity to make proposals unit that brings joy to our city and our party. This demonstrates that the interests are more important than the common good. I think also that it is not properly burn the candidacy of a young man only for personal egos of some politicians who do not want to step aside to give space to others. We always talk about systems of power that cause serious damage to our party and if you do not change course you can never talk about renewal.
This is what I think and I have no problem expressing my simple but sincere opinion.
But I hope that after the party congress this seriously because you start to do politics in our province is indeed dead.