A minute from the prisoner. Behind the rhyme the anguish of the days behind bars and the reality of Italian prisons with almost 70 000 admissions, 30 000 more than expected. The initiative, organized by Voices Inside Onlus follows an event already presented in other cities: the cell in the square. The property is on display until November 25 in the square Vico in Chieti and 26-28 at the Palazzo d'Avalos, Vasto. The initiative is sponsored by the Province of Chieti, Chieti, and by the cities of Vasto, the Bars and Law Societies of the two cities, immigrants from the Multipurpose Center. With the support of Caritas and Prison Inmates ...
"Our Dear architect and member of the Cer Roccamontepiano are carrying a cell of 3 meters to 2.50 - says the president of the non-profit organization Francesco Lo Small, journalist of the Messenger - We want to reflect on an institution holding the margins of society as an evil to be exorcised or to hide. "
Full support from the municipalities of Chieti and Vasto, represented by the Councillor and Deputy Mayor Bruno Paolo Di Marco Marra. Volunteers of items recalled in the City of D'Annunzio Chieti University have provided the labor exchanges through which some prisoners are released in 21 and currently operating in the association, which publishes the journal entries in, 32 pages, created with the support of Carichieti Foundation, Chamber of Commerce, Harp, D'Annunzio University, Caritas, Walter Tosto SpA, and widespread also on the harp.
"A Moment to convict brings attention to people even in disgrace, can not be released - added the Deputy Mayor Di Paolo also a member of Voices in - the city of Chieti firmly believes in this project: to bring a cell square in Chieti and Vasto represents an important moment of reflection. People in prison should not be treated like animals. I also find that such a gesture could also be useful for young people as a deterrent to deviance from the social point of view. " The commissioner of the same opinion to the City of Vasto Marco Marra: "Getting people inside a cage, because that represents the cell is impressive. The town of Vasto is always close to the reality of prison, with whom we have often worked, I remember for example the Convention for the cleaning of beaches. "
"I am proud to welcome in what is now the building of solidarity and love - began the head of the province Enrico Giuseppantonio - thanks to the efforts of volunteers like those items inside can be expected a better world. If we re-educate the prisoners, as stated in our Constitution, the institutions have a duty to take responsibility for initiatives aimed at this purpose. Moreover, Article 27 of our Constitution makes it clear: "The Punishment can not consist of treatment contrary to human dignity and must aim at the rehabilitation of the offender. "
"The initiative is worthy - added the lawyer Tong, President of the Bar of Chieti - the category that I represent today is perhaps the closest to the prisoners, so we felt obliged to make a contribution to ' event, which invokes the constitutional principle of innocence until the last grade of trial, the principle is too often forgotten by the media that the spotlight of the first phase of the process and then go off them, maybe even in the face of acquittal. " As convinced of the goodness of the initiative, the President of the Court of Vasto lawyer Nicola Artese: to confirm participation in "A Moment of detainee" has announced a conference to be held on November 27 and 26 always at the Palazzo D'Avalos on issues on justice prison. And speaking of crowding in prisons and so-called alternative sanctions. The lawyer Artese said: "There are already many laws on detainees who are not used enough. Our task is also to promote awareness of companies and enterprises. We must begin to talk about the prison and make these issues even on the territory and not only within of our category. "
The press conference was also attended by directors Charles and Josephine Bruno Roger. In particular, Dr. Roger pointed out that "The figure of the volunteer in prison today has changed from psychological and material supporter, the volunteer is now in partnership talks with the institutions towards realizing the principle of rehabilitation, which can not be individual , but it must also be reflected externally, if the wrong people is a wall outside the prison will be forever forced to live by their wits. "
"Security - said Francesco Lo Piccolo - not given by a wall or a gate, but the opportunities for reintegration of those who did wrong. "
(Stephanie Ortolano, press officer Voices within)
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