A letter from the U.S. "Last summer I was in Rome to look after my father. I took two days
of" permission "to go to Pescara.
I was going to meet again with a dear friend, classmate in junior high and discovered through facebook.
I was so excited to meet the bus when
left by someone, I saw a magazine on a seat. "Voices within" was the name.
E 'was attraction at first sight. I did not know what was referring to women but those figures
badly flawed and hooded
have been a magnet for me. I was nearly there so that I took the magazine and I brought with me to Miami
. E ' I read that here. I knew something had to be
valuable because when I hear these forces so powerful that I
urge to do something, how to take the magazine and do not leave, because there is always
something special involved.
When I started reading the magazine I could not stop. I have not
only heard these voices from inside, "but I've heard, I have absorbed. Now
belong to me. I feel I can speak through me.
So I brought out their words in the best shape I have to communicate what I feel
: through painting.
I painted the face of an ordinary person, without them even understand the
race, sex or age. A big mouth, wide open, it leaves its cry,
his "voice within." In the head: a white horse, symbol of freedom '
that is always in mind. At the foot of the painting women hooded
with the sad numbers: 7, asphyxiated by gas, 26 inmates hanged ...
eyes are open, however, to see the future and green, the color of hope
. And it's those eyes that come from drops of silver that
expand and become increasingly large as the symbol of a future
I wanted to write, I do not know exactly where, and
send a photograph of the painting. If the board likes it or not, has not importance.
The important thing is that those "voices from within to know that their voices come to those who are
" out "and reach far beyond the ocean and walk without stopping.
Parliament in my exhibitions, Miami and New York and, through my web site
, will fly in cyberspace where there is neither inside nor outside. "
Mila Tapper