January 27, 2010: THE MEMORY OF THE PAST.
Today is Memorial Day , established by Law No. 211 by the Italian Parliament, and dedicated to the memory of the Holocaust, namely the genocide of the Jews under Nazi made by the ferocity of what is historically called "holocaust" that also affects homosexuals, communists, Gypsies, Jehovah's Witnesses . The aim is to keep alive the memory of those tragic events, not a mere exercise in "tribunalizzazione" of history, but to keep still, in the minds and hearts of those generations who have not experienced these tragic incidents and draw the right lessons from this.
The text of Article 1 of the Act defines the purpose of the "Day Memory: "The Italian Republic recognizes on January 27, date of the gates of Auschwitz," Day of Remembrance "to remember the Holocaust (extermination of the Jewish people), the racial laws, the persecution of Italian Jewish citizens, the Italians who suffered deportation, imprisonment, death, and those who, even in different fields and camps, have opposed the project of extermination, and at the risk of their lives they have saved more lives and protected persecuted. "
On January 27, the memory of the Holocaust, is also celebrated by many other nations, including Germany and Great Britain, as well as the UN, following Resolution 60 / 7 [2] November 1, 2005.
January 27 Thus the world remembers what he was forced to watch in 1945: the horror Supermono when they open the gates of Auschwitz, the symbol of the barbarity.
pay tribute to and learn from the same time, because it is above the 'ignorance that can often distorted readings of mystification steeped in bad faith.
The Day of memory can not be alone, therefore, a commemorative moment, but remember this horror every day for you start to fight each and every act of violence
We must not forget and to raise awareness among citizens , especially our younger generations to be vigilant because the 'Man does not return to being a beast. But today there are many situations in the world in which, not having the spotlight of the record, wear genocide. For these people go in the "Day of Remembrance" our thinking.
But we, Young Democrats, we believe that the horror of the past can not remain buried in textbooks as the fight against racist and anti-Semitic madness is not yet won.
We still require more effort to make it clear that if we do not want the memory is only the contemplation of the past, should be established and strengthened the link between past and present, linked to the understanding of intolerance, violence, racism, autoritarsmi, marginalization and oppression of human rights today. In this regard, we think well to remember this day we should first analyze what happens in our country today. We talk about this day and no one in the light of the contradiction between the intensification of admissions to places of memory of the extermination of the Jewish right-wingers and the hundred times of intolerant and racist behavior they put in place in the activity of the Government (with fingerprints for filing Gypsies, special classes for immigrants, bonds and sureties for residence permits, detention for illegal immigrants, not recent incidents in which many non Rosarno were also beaten by the police).
But by making a more complex analysis, we see that all this also affects the cultural level as we see a sterilization of racism and murder because there is nothing more tragic than talk about the phenomenon but there was no mention of what historical research, and social anthropologists have made it clear in an almost final. That is, the link between violence and racism has been co-essential to the existence of Nazi-fascism in Europe: the Holocaust there would have been without it and fascism would not exist as such without the exponential growth of violence practiced and institutionalized, at the height of which there is the Holocaust. The extermination of the Jews is a crime against humanity more despicable and more tragic. Planning, organization and practice of physical-biological elimination of a people was accompanied by the practice of systematic physical elimination of all those who were in the way the "new European order" of Nazism: the internal political opponents (the first victims of planned extermination camps), impaired physical and mental, homosexuals, gypsies, witness Jehovah, Soviet military prisoners, and so on.
Without neglecting the attempt of elimination and destruction of the national character of a people (Poles) and the objective of reduction in terms of "less than human" (ie slavery) of the Slavs. If we want, we can add the practice of systematic mass killing outside of the actions military, that the countless massacres of variable size, often do not unrelated to the "law of retaliation", which even Italy did experience deeply painful (as in Mascalucia, Sicily, when the Nazis were still allies of Fascist Italy to those of recent times of war near the road to the Brenner Pass).
Definition significant Primo Levi, according to which the organization and stratification of power in the camp is not that the metaphor or model of the organization of power in society outside the camp and Vittorio Emanuele Giuntella (historical, who had direct experience as an internal military) in 1978, in a book on "Nazism and concentration camps") today re-released by Studium) had traced the basic lines of the relationship between the Nazi camps and the power system.
not say these things and make them understand the new generation of young people in schools, it means not to understand what abyss Italian fascism, Nazism and his accomplice and ally submitted, he did precipitate Italy and its people. It means presenting the Italian fascism as a "joke from totalitarianism," which sent the opponents political "resorts."
When we speak of the Holocaust we can not forget that man has virtually destroyed the lives of many people who were deprived of the very dignity of being a man or woman.
Watching movies, videos and all the testimonies of the Holocaust we see with our eyes as the man was able to be a "beast" making animals who have suffered the horror only to be considered different.
E 'precisely this that we need to worry, that man can ricommettere these errors today.
the day of memory should grow a real public consciousness, otherwise it makes no sense to remember and commemorate.
The "motto" in Primo Levi, for example, involves a critique of 'uniqueness exclusive "has happened, then it can happen again." And indeed, if not now for us, for others it happens. Rather than a single event, the Holocaust is the culmination of an endless chain. This is the landscape that we must show, to overturn the competition among the victims in solidarity and mutual recognition.
I think part of the Italian right has to start to be measured by racism and xenophobia. That there is now a political use of the Holocaust, which fails to give true meaning to the day of his commemoration. Fighting, in practice, all forms of violence, racism and segregation of the other. In this regard, I think that first of all, the example must be given by the institutions that represent us and guide us in living in our society.
I refer particularly to the north-League now does nothing but contempt the South looking at all the ways his "ghetto". These are the thoughts that we have to start doing in order not to repeat the same mistakes. We must begin to talk specifically about what might repeated, albeit in a different way, errors which may become horrors. And the example should start from the driver and a country who should be in the right way to spread public awareness is necessary for good living.
Reflect on the Holocaust for us, Young Democrats, it means to break free from a speech that merely describe the horrors that occurred many years ago. Means to prevent with behaviors anti-racist. It means they can implement policies that promote the culture of living in a civil society. But it also means spreading the culture of respect for individual rights and enjoyed by all people.
Because no one can ever ask one day about himself, "If This Is a Man."
The person responsible for Social Policy Gd Sicily
Valentina Spata